Comments on: Report of Meeting in Helen, Georgia Sat, 26 Sep 2020 07:28:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anonymous Wed, 28 Apr 2010 16:19:54 +0000 #comment-2461 Brother Joseph,

Amen and Amen to your description of the meeting in Helen. It was truly a life changing encounter with the Spirit of Christ. I've never before experienced such a manifesting of Father's love.
My prayer is that all who discern the slightest urging of the Spirit to attend one of your meetings will do so. Looking neither to the right or to the left but focus totally on being there. Dear saints, DON'T ALLOW THE ADVERSARY TO TAKE THIS FROM YOU!!!
In addition to the awesome spiritual blessings received, I have been blessed to know some of my fellow travelers who are journeying with me into sonship. Praise, honor and glory to our Father and His Son, Yahshua the Messiah.
May the grace of our Lord be with you. ARisingSon

By: Angela Wed, 28 Apr 2010 05:54:38 +0000 #comment-2460 Beautiful words! Interestingly, over the past week these are the scriptures that our family has been learning …."in the multitude of words sin is not lacking, but he who restrains his lips is wise" and "for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment".
Looking forward to the videos!
