Comments on: Savage Wolves – Part 1 Sat, 26 Sep 2020 07:41:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bunny Oaks Fri, 19 Apr 2013 16:41:35 +0000 #comment-2952 Thank you brother Herrin. My Spirit would not allow me to watch any more, even for investigative purposes; His new wife was on stage shaking her head uncontrollably and hissing. I had to shut it down.
I sent this person a taped session where a radio show host and a guest were exposing the Hinduism in their activities. I don't know if it will be received, but I will pray the Holy Spirit will reveal the truth to her.

By: Joseph Herrin Thu, 18 Apr 2013 02:21:26 +0000 #comment-2951 Hello Sister Bunny,

I have not been attending to what Todd Bentley is doing recently. It was evident that the repentance, and full and public disclosure of Todd Bentley's sins from the Lakeland "Revival" never occurred. It was all swept under the rug by Rick Joyner and Morningstar Ministries.

I am not surprised that Todd Bentley is doing more of the same wickedness masquerading as "revival." Seducers will wax worse and worse until the Lord's return.

By: Bunny Oaks Thu, 18 Apr 2013 02:16:07 +0000 #comment-2950 I know this is an older post, but someone mentioned to me today that Todd Bentley is back on the stage after repenting of his sin. Doing the same thing as before.
I have only seen a few minutes of T.B. and could not sit in the room where they were watching. I do not have TV now, so couldn't tell you of his recent return to "revival". I was wondering, Brother Herrin, if this is something you could address? Do you know of his ministry today? (April 2013). The person who asked me about him today was all stoked on his return and I fear they are being led down the same path as before without the discernment needed to not be led astray.
I watched a few minutes of him in Africa tonight on the internet streaming and had to shut him off. I personally cannot watch this type of screaming and yelling and pushing of people down "under the anointing".
Just wondering if you are current on this "revival".
