Comments on: Sinister Deeds Sat, 26 Sep 2020 07:31:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anonymous Mon, 02 Nov 2009 16:00:08 +0000 #comment-2669 Those disinclined to believe a guy with a beard in a trailer should give heed to the Financial Times (FT), a paper not easily enticed to use superlatives:

"one day this bubble will burst, leading to the biggest co-ordinated asset bust EVER…" [emphasis added]

By: Anonymous Mon, 02 Nov 2009 12:34:17 +0000 #comment-2668 Astute analysis as always, Joseph. Very few are going to be prepared; when their god (almighty dollar) is exposed as a fraud, it's not hard to imagine the angry mayhem that will result.

With this frame of reference, many otherwise inexplicable, arbitrary and seemingly unwarranted actions come into focus (e.g., cynically declaring a swine flu "pandemic" when common sense says otherwise).

We have indeed reaped the leadership we have sown. The 1,335-day (Danielian) link between the Bush-Abbas 'sellout' meeting on 5/26/05 (cutting Israel to its 1949 borders) and BHO's inauguration day is but one of many peripheral signs indicating why this is happening.

Having sat in on high-level executive meetings within just the past month at one of the large financial institutions you cite, your analysis helps explain what would otherwise seem to be bizarre anti-American plans.

I am reminded of the ten virgins and the oil for their lamps. In an Internet blackout, martial-law environment, the only churches that will provide sustenance will be extremely local (neighborhood groups of true believers meeting informally, even clandestinely, in homes). I have seen clear signs of this provision being set up by the Holy Spirit for those who are awake to its significance.

One further thought: As many commentators have observed since 9-11, no-holds-barred islamic terrorism (i.e., with WMD potential) poses what seems, in earthly terms, a fundamentally unsolvable paradox for our democratic society.

Take 'hard' enough measures to be effective in combating it and you end up with totalitarianism; yet if we allow them, as determined enemies of the state, to play by our rules, they also win.

The only 'out' to such a seemingly unsolvable problem? As you say: recognize its spiritual origins and thus our role in bringing it on; repent of our gross apostasy in sackcloth and ashes.
