Comments on: The Slaughter Solution Sat, 26 Sep 2020 07:29:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: TJ Brown Tue, 23 Mar 2010 23:25:37 +0000 #comment-2553 My husband and I have been sent by YHVH to blow the shofar at the 4 corners of the United States. We have been given a specific word, and scripture for each corner. Prior to going to the 4 corners we were first sent to the 4 corners of our state, Colorado. At the 4th corner of our state the Father had me speak a word against "the slaughterer". I was told the following: “When you get to the Southeast corner (of Colorado) you are to call for the harvesters to come forth. Call out the laborers into the fields. Rebuke the slaughterer. Tell the enemy he many not devour or slaughter My fields or the workers in My fields. Pray a hedge of protection around both the fields and the workers. Call forth barns and pens to contain My crops and My sheep. Call forth the reapers and the shepherds. Pray all hindrances are removed from the reapers and the shepherds. Loose the Angelic Hosts about all; the fields, workers, reapers, sowers and shepherds. Loose the time of My judgment upon the earth by striking the rock with your mantle one time." As I read the blog you sent out today I was amazed at the frequent use of the word, "slaughterer". I had to contact you to share this word with you. Further more, when we returned for the final corner of the United States, we were sent to do one last prophetic act here in Colorado. Among the list of instructions I was given was this, at the end of all that we did, after blowing the shofars, I was instructed to light a long stick match and stick it into the earth and proclaim the following: “This is the fire of the jealousy of Adonai. The fire of Adonai will consume all who have abandoned the G-d of Avraham, Yitz’chak and Ya’akov. All who have given what rightfully belongs to Yahweh to another god of their own making will be devoured by this fire. Turn and return lest you burn. This match stands as a witness that the voice of Elohim has spoken. He who has an ear let him hear what the Spirit says.” I write this to you today to let you know that I agree with you 100%, the judgment of YHVH has come upon the USA and even if Noah, Daniel or Job lived in this land they would save neither son nor daughter they could only save themselves by their own righteousness. We must repent and we must return to our Creator or we and our households will perish in the coming judgment.

By: Anonymous Tue, 23 Mar 2010 16:45:50 +0000 #comment-2552 Today's date, March 23, 1775 was the date of Patrick Henry's famous speech–"give me liberty or give me death…" Just FYI

By: Joseph Herrin Tue, 23 Mar 2010 12:31:56 +0000 #comment-2551 Dear Kim,

There is not much that is required to host a meeting. All that is really needed is a place to meet, and usually a living room in someone's home is quite sufficient. I anticipate speaking to small groups.

I encourage those interested in hosting a meeting to simply pray about it, seeking to know the Father's will. If you know others in your area who might be interested, ask them to pray as well.

As God has me turn my focus to going out on the road I will be sharing more on this matter. I do anticipate traveling for an extended length of time, and I want to be led of the Spirit in all things. If He directs me to spend more time in a certain area, as He did with Paul, then I do not want to be bound to keep to some touring schedule. I imagine that like my last trip, each meeting will only be scheduled a short time in advance of it being held.

May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days.

By: Kim Tue, 23 Mar 2010 12:22:40 +0000 #comment-2550 Dear Joseph,

I, too, would love to have you here if I knew exactly what to put together for you.


By: Joseph Herrin Tue, 23 Mar 2010 11:09:20 +0000 #comment-2549 Dear Angela,

Thank you for writing. I am anticipating going out on the road beginning the end of April. I will be writing more about it as the Lord makes things more definite to me.

By: Anonymous Tue, 23 Mar 2010 06:47:21 +0000 #comment-2548 Dear Joseph,

One last point concerning the Healthcare Bill signing/enacting date of 3/23/2010…

3+2+3+2+0+1+0= 11

The Number 11(by E. W. Bullinger)

If ten is the number which marks the perfection of Divine order, then eleven is an addition to it, subversive of and undoing that order. If twelve is the number which marks the perfection of Divine government, then eleven falls short of it. So that whether we regard it as being 10 + 1, or 12 – 1, it is the number which marks, disorder, disorganization, imperfection, and disintegration.

More food for thought, I suppose.

Peace be with you,

By: Anonymous Tue, 23 Mar 2010 05:01:31 +0000 #comment-2547 Dear Joseph,

I appreciate your honest and unpretentious answer. "Un-official law of the land" still gives one pause.

God bless you in these very strange and unsettling days.


By: Angela Tue, 23 Mar 2010 04:19:44 +0000 #comment-2546 Thank you so much for being obedient to Yah in teaching and proclaiming the things that he reveals to you. Are you still planning to travel around the country soon? You are welcome here.

By: Joseph Herrin Tue, 23 Mar 2010 01:37:07 +0000 #comment-2545 Dear ?,

The dates and occurrences of 333 are interesting. I know a number of people who have been seeing 111, 222, and 333 repeatedly. I don't have any definite conclusions on what these numbers mean in each instance. I am still awaiting more clarity from the Father.

The healthcare bill, although passed by the House last night is not officially the law of the land yet. The reconciliation bill has to go back to the Senate for a vote, and if it is accepted with no changes then the bill will go to the President who has said he will sign it Tuesday at the White House.

If all goes as they plan, it will become the law of the land on 3/23/2010. I am not aware of any significance to that date.

By: Anonymous Tue, 23 Mar 2010 01:27:34 +0000 #comment-2544 Dear Joseph –

I just left a comment but have something further to share. I have read several other authors who have written extensively about the number 322, its use by secret societies, as well as the possibility that it is a secret cipher revealing a coming dark prophecy. These things do not trouble me nor am I still intrigued by the search for wisdom and understanding that can lead one to the error of Solomon. Sometimes, however, knowledge is granted for a reason. Here is what the Lord revealed to me. Perhaps you can expand upon it if the Spirit of God moves you to in one of your insightful posts.

March 2010 is an interesting month numerically. If you line up the dates in list form, 1-31, you will find some interesting numbers. Please bear with me a bit.

3 (3/3/2010 = 333)
7 (There are exactly 8 days from
8 each incidence of 333 to the
9 next.)
12 (3/12/2010 = 333)
16 (8 days)
21 (3/21/2010 = 333)
25 (8 days)
30 (2/30/2010 = 333)

So March gives us 333 (resurrection) and 888 (the number of a 'new creation'- 'a new man')- the resurrection of a new creation. This screams of an antichrist spirit. Is March 2010 a harbinger of rebellion against God coming to completion?

The final 333 cycle began on 3/22 -3.22 being the first full day of the new Healthcare Bill becoming the law of the land. Was this the fulfilment of a dark prophecy for America in this year of the World Census? Is the New World Order to be stealthily managed by a worldwide medical police state? If so, it was officially codified here last night on Ostara.

By: Anonymous Mon, 22 Mar 2010 23:16:38 +0000 #comment-2543 I was again moved by your insightful and inspired post. Thank you.

I live in sunny South Florida. Yesterday was an un-seasonably cool and overcast day. The storm clouds gathered all day and evening until late in the night when the healthcare bill passed. Moments after media confirmation, the skies opened and rain poured down until the early morning hours. There was thunder and lightning and frequent losses of power. Mercifully, however, the power came back each time.

I cannot shake the sense of forboding that this gave me — not a spirit of fear — but a sense that something is coming and to be wise and sober.

May God bless you in these times of trouble that you may STAND!

By: gibby62 Mon, 22 Mar 2010 18:35:44 +0000 #comment-2542 Although I had read parts of what you posted from other sources, I just have to say that God has gifted you in a wonderful way. Keep up the good work!!
