Comments on: Something Old in the New Year Sat, 26 Sep 2020 07:23:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joseph Herrin Fri, 07 Jan 2011 15:48:13 +0000 #comment-2078 Dear Yvonne,

Thank you for writing with your interesting comments and excellent questions. Let me begin with the shroud of Turin. I do not believe it to be authentic. The Father has left us no relics of His Son that the church might not enter into idolatry. Although the Catholic church, and others, have claimed to have splinters of the cross, the nails which were used to hold Christ there, and a myriad of other false claims, they merely show the proclivity of man to seek some earthly artifact to serve as a substitute for faith in Christ.

Your question about cultures and races of people where the men do not readily grow beards is one I have pondered before. Undoubtedly, the Father has some testimony in this. Many of the American Indians are bereft of facial hair.

I cannot state definitively the reason. I do not teach the wearing of the beard as a law, but rather as a sign and testimony. Yahweh prophesied to Israel at one point that He would send the Assyrians to shave their beards and legs. This was an insult akin to saying that He would remove their masculinity.

Has the Father done similar things with entire races due to some ancestral sin, or protracted idolatry? That is very possible. There are few followers of Yahweh, or disciples of Yahshua historically among the Asian nations you have mentioned.

May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days.

By: Anonymous Fri, 07 Jan 2011 14:16:11 +0000 #comment-2077 Thank you Mr Herrin for sharing.
My husband of 25yrs has always had a very full beard. Even though he has been often ridiculed for it I have always thought it suited him & I like it so I must say I enjoyed what you have carefully put together although I wondered if back in Bible times it was easier to have a beard & likewise today it would seem easy not to have a beard judging by the amount of men who don't. Recently my family & I went to an Asian country. The whole time my husband was pointed & laughed & giggled at because of his beard. One tour guide even told us that like her & to most women it seemed there, hairy men were thought of as unattractive, even repulsive. It made sense since all the local men there hardly have any hair at all except on their heads & if they did have a beard which was rare, it was a rather pathetic one. It seems most Asian countries are like this with their attitudes & hair growth. So how would you think Asian men would fit in with what you have written since now China is the fastest growing nation of believers? Will Yahweh start blessing them with hair growth?
Also I have a newspaper clipping of a picture of the Shroud of Turin which clearly shows that Jesus had a full beard.
Whenever the little children I teach ask me what Jesus looks like, I show them the picture & tell them it is the world's first ever photograph.
Thanks again,

By: Anonymous Mon, 03 Jan 2011 03:32:23 +0000 #comment-2076 Dear Mr. Herrin,
Great article! Very encouraging.
I can remember my Dad shaving his beard and mustache on time when I was a little girl and I found him so strange looking that I wouldn't give him a kiss until it grew back!! (I was blessed to have much older parents, so my Dad's beard was grey!)
Also, speaking of hair: the LORD had told me a few years ago not to cut my hair. Since then it has grown to a very long length. A sister, keeps telling me to cut it. She thinks it is ridiculous (though I wear it in a bun most times). Obviously I don't listen to her!
