Comments on: Super Bowl XLVIII – Satanic Omen Sat, 26 Sep 2020 06:56:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Unknown Tue, 04 Feb 2014 18:07:44 +0000 #comment-831 One of the books I mentioned in a previous comment, from the Shadow Hunters series, features nephilims in the starring roles. These are partly human, partly angels, a race that came to be as a result of a good angel mixing his DNA with humans to protect humans from demons. (So demons are fighting demons, mmm. Looks like a rewrite of history).
Another book features alchemist Nicholas Flamel, apparently a well-known figure in occultic circles. These are books targeted at teenagers. Yes, they're brainwashing everyone little by little.

By: Unknown Tue, 04 Feb 2014 17:51:09 +0000 #comment-830 In Bullinger's Companion Bible it has a pretty interesting comment about Daniel 12:4 one can find it online for free to see the details but basically where it says many shall run to and fro could be a word in hebrew for apostatize, to turn, swerve, revolt, from the hebrew root word. Another interpretation could read, till many will have gone raving mad. I ask you to seek these things out yourself because I am simplifying the notes but Bullinger has a way of backing up his claims. Where it says knowledge will increase, can be wickedness, calamities, or knowledge (gnosis). Gnosticism? Not sure about a lot of things and seems to me there more one learns the more you learn the awesome power of a childlike faith but its like someone knew way back in Daniels day. Praise God that He has chosen to hide His ways from the wise and prudent and yet reveals it to babes. Just want to encourage others and let you know that our Father knows all things and knows how to protect those who are HIS. More than a year ago I was asking Him in prayer what I needed to do, I wanted to know that what I was reading and seeing in the world today was really as bad as it seemed and what direction I needed to take, I also wanted to know that I was loved and Gods child. The bible says so and I knew I was but wanted to really know. One night a friend of mine out of the blue texted me saying he had a message for me without any idea of what for the past few months I was praying about. He said two things to me, You are Gods child, that I am loved and the second thing was PREPARE. Still figuring out what all that means but am finding more everyday to not lean on my own understanding but trust in every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Let us not run to and fro or be alarmed when all these things happen, like Gideon who was poor, from the poorest of families who in his own strength was hiding from the enemy and weak yet by the power and force given to him by God became strong. Gideon has numerous meanings but this is something pretty amazing to me, His name can mean, warrior, valiant, but also Feller as in cutting down trees. The Giants are coming out of the darkness for sure but by the power of our God, those who know Him will be strong and do mighty exploits. By His grace I plain on cutting them down one by one. He has shown me when I am weak, He is strong. Amen In Christ my brothers. Michael

By: Joseph Herrin Tue, 04 Feb 2014 16:47:37 +0000 #comment-829 Thanks for the comment. I did a post that mentioned the Sympathy for the Devil Mercedes commercial last year. Search on "February 3rd, 2013" and you should find the post. I also posted a writing titled "Wreck-It Ralph – Sympathy for the Devil." You will find that there has been a concerted effort to paint the devil in a sympathetic light. This is what the Rockefellers have done for year with the statue of Prometheus (Satan) that is located in Rocekefeller Plaza.

By: pat Tue, 04 Feb 2014 13:49:56 +0000 #comment-828 Brother Joseph, the song, "Sympathy for the devil" was actually featured in a Mercedes Benz commercial from last years Super Bowl.
