Comments on: Syncretism – Part 5 – The Persistent Fallacy Sat, 26 Sep 2020 07:30:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anonymous Thu, 18 Feb 2010 01:59:33 +0000 #comment-2586 Brother Joseph,
A very enlightening and very well researched and written series you have here. I pray that Father uses this to bring many out of religious darkness. The deceived don't know they are deceived.The blind don't know they are blind till Father opens their eyes to see these things(and much, much more).
The true sheep will be brought out of darkness to follow The True Shepherd. He,through His Holy Spirit, will lead them into green pastures of sound teaching by His true shepherds.
But where are the true shepherds? My personal journey out of religious babylon has been 15 years thus far and along the way I've found few ministries( of those still living)that have provided sound teaching.
AS we get closer to the end of this age those being brought of Babylon will have a shorter wilderness journey than we've had. The true shepherds of our Lord will be identified so the sheep know where to get food.
Those of us on this journey have learned that it's mostly a walk alone. The Lord has not seen fit to bring us together in groups as was done at the beginning.
Just some musings from ARisingSon. Grace be with you.
