Comments on: Syncretism – Part 5 Sat, 26 Sep 2020 06:25:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Skip Fri, 21 Dec 2018 02:48:32 +0000 #comment-28 Brother Herrin,

In this article ‘Syncretism Part 5’, you wrote above: “This Babylonian religion has been persistently carried forth from one age to another by the nations of mankind. It is at times dressed in different garb and given various names, but it has remained clearly identifiable.”

In your ’Syncretism Part 2’, you referenced Hislop’s book, ‘The Two Babylons’, and have a link to the full download of the book as a PDF file. For those of your readers who bookmarked or downloaded that PDF link, look to page 41 of the PDF file, which is the 4th page of Chapter 1. On that page is ‘Figure 2’ – the images of the obverse and reverse of a medallion that Pope Leo ordered to be struck in 1825. The woman who holds the bent cross and the cup fits your description in the ‘Syncretism Part 5’ quote above.

Semiramis, who IS the woman on the reverse of that medallion, has been brought as the Babylonian Queen of Heaven into our modern age, yet by another name as you described – Lady Liberty. Look at the head of the woman on that medallion and then decide if her perfect replica is to be found on the shores of the USA, in New York harbor, in the form of the head of the Statue of Liberty! Semiramis welcomes the world to the USA – the modern day’s version of ‘Mystery, Babylon the Great’.
