Comments on: Syncretism – Part Seven – Parting of THE WAYS Sat, 26 Sep 2020 07:29:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Shelly Tue, 23 Feb 2010 20:34:38 +0000 #comment-2579 In my 24 years of following Yahweh, I have never heard or read a message quite like this, but I absolutely believe you spoke the truth here. The longer I have walked with the Father, I have seen this is true as I have endeavored to walk out of Babylon as it has been revealed to me. It's not a mistake I came across your website because I have been seeking the Way and the Truth like never before. More suffering in my life has caused me to seek and search after the Truth because it's clear this world has nothing to offer anyway. The way I look at it is we are still going to suffer either way whether we live for Christ or not so may as well just follow Him. You have everything to lose but also everything to gain in Him.

By: Anonymous Tue, 23 Feb 2010 14:31:18 +0000 #comment-2578 Your article is very eye opening.
Some of my thoughts are: Is not the whole world system Babylonian?
The days of the week, the months of the year-named after gods. The money we use with the all seeing eye and pyramid. Our taxes and stores where we shop-all connected to abortion and porn industries (these in turn offered to the gods of molech and pan). The JESUS-less schools our kids go to. The JESUS-less work places we work in. I read a mans idea that perhaps the 'seven hills' are the seven contanants…
I agree that we need to really and fully come out of 'her'. The holiday celebrations are pathetic and most definetly a 'participation' in pagan activity, but how we come out of Babylon completly, may have a lot to do with 'overcoming' and rising above the systems of the world. "You are in the world, but not of it". Does not the LORD look at our hearts? HE knows we have to live here (temporarily) and we see the evil all around us. Our hearts are like Lots was in his day–troubled. But we are to trust in HIM. Whatever satan means for evil, GOD will use for good. (example: do we not use "godless" money to bless others?)
