Comments on: A Testimony for the New Year Sat, 26 Sep 2020 07:16:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Maranatha! Wed, 04 Jan 2012 22:41:56 +0000 #comment-1720 Yes Brother Joseph I would love to send a message to the Brother Jeff and his whole family. What a profoundness, as I started reading this post last night I had to leave off and finish it today because I didn't want to miss not one blessed word of encouragement, perseverance, trusting, affliction, endurance, worship, praise, adoration, comfort, fear, struggle, triumph, faith, trials and tribulation unprecedented, healing, family unity and just sheer awakening for those that put their trust and wholehearted faith in the Lord Almighty.

As I think about how the Lord lead me to your site when He was preparing me for my wilderness experience, it was a sure found comfort to ask the Lord to bring to my remembrance every word you wrote about in regards to your wilderness experience, for it gave me great comfort and assurance that the Lord was going to be with me as He tested me to see where my faith lied, on Him or on my flesh?

Now that it has been 4 years and now going into the beginning of the 5th year ( which to me signifies grace), I have to say that I'm looking very forward to what the Lord has in store for me, because He has truly been refining me and I am so grateful for it. For we know not what's in the hidden place in our hearts (the inner man) and those things need to be searched out by the Holy Spirit and brought forth and exposed, so that the dross can be purged, purified and the vessel ready for the Master's great use.

Now that the Holy Spirit is holding me up and keeping me steadfast in pressing in, the Lord blesses me with Brother Jeff and his families testimony, all I can say is what a profoundness!!! May the Lord continue to allow brothers and sisters like Jeff and his family, to come forth and testify of the Lord's faithfulness and covering for His people, so that we can edify each other, so that we know that we are overcomers if we just trust and believe that He is God and He does ALL THINGS WELL AND ALL THINGS RIGHT. Glory be to the Most High God (Yahweh) and His Son Yeshuah (Jesus the Christ), King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

May the Lord God continue to enlighten you with His wisdom, knowledge and understanding.
Love Ya,
Sister Libby
