Comments on: The Aleph Tav Scriptures Sat, 26 Sep 2020 06:36:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: saintwill Thu, 10 May 2018 00:01:48 +0000 #comment-197 Hi Joseph, I was reading your blog on your example's you give concerning why the Aleph/Tav cannot stand for Yahusha and wanted to comment, since you are using my graphic and my study bible as an example and speaking about me indirectly. I would like my comments to be posted to your blog if possible in my defense, to try and set the record straight, if you would be so kind as to permit.

Firstly, I would like to say, I worked for 4 years to put the Messianic Aleph Tav Scriptures (MATS) study bible together, so that the Aleph/Tav (A/T) could be properly studied in a English translation and after over 10 years of study, I must say, I totally agree with you that the messiah's name cannot be substituted for the A/T in the English translation anywhere.

First and foremost, I believe the A/T is a covenant symbol/seal, and all places where it is found in Hebrew text the subject matter being discussed in the verse is referring to something in regard to 'covenant', whether it be a covenant with darkness/wickedness or with light/righteousness. Therefore, the A/T expresses and adds 'emphasis' in regard to the 'subject matter' being discussed in the verse as to its seriousness to 'covenant'.

Consequently, because of this, the A/T is the highest symbol in regard to 'spirituality' in the Hebrew Aleph-Bet, and was taught to have extreme special significance in the biblical Hebrew text by the the most famous rabbis in Jewish history for thousands of years. I.e. Akiva and R.S Hirsch, to name but a few.

Secondly, I believe that mankind in general and especially Hebrews, understood the seriousness of covenant for thousands of years and how if a covenant was ever broken, it was a capital offense…and covenant was always linked to the divine hand of the Almighty to be the one joining the two or more parties together, even if it were a pagan idol/god. Consequently, this is why I like to say that the A/T incorporates the Yah-head because HE will always ultimately hold us accountable for all our vows, whether we make them to idols/demons or to the Yah-head directly.

With this mindset the verses you give as examples begin to become crystal clear as to why the A/T's were placed where they were by the writer. In 1Kings 16:31 the writer, Samuel, is simply expressing, if I may paraphrase, that Jeroboam entered into a legal binding A/T covenant marriage to Jezebel and that Jeroboam worshiped Baal in a A/T covenant commitment, expressing the seriousness of what he had done, with his whole heart. And this is why verse 30 says Jeroboam did more evil than any king of Israel before him. That is to say, he was very, very wicked!

In Lev 17:5-7, if you substitute the the word 'covenant' every place the A/T is used, again you will understand the serious significance of what the writer is expressing…for Israel made 'covenant' sacrifices, meaning the sacrifices were under the Levitical law and consequently, the blood that was sprinkled on the altar was 'covenant' blood…expressing the seriousness of what was being done.

I believe that John expressed in Revelation that the A/T represented the Yah-head, meaning, in a perfect world, this is the only one we should look to in making our covenant vows, for He is the first and the last, the beginning and the end, so the A/T incorporates the Yah-head as their covenant mark/seal.

Please watch the two videos.

The Spiritual Significance of the Aleph/Tav www(dot)
The Uniqueness of Biblical Hebrew www(dot)

Bill Sanford

By: José María Armesto Caldeiro Sat, 04 Mar 2017 07:57:24 +0000 #comment-196 Beloved Joseph,
I do not know if he knows the Martin Stendal Jubilee Bible. I think it is one of the ones that I should keep in mind for the edition of your Bible, although I must tell you that Martin changed the name of Yahweh for the Lord.
I leave this link from Amazon: + Jubilee + Martin + Stendal
I think it also has it in e_Sword.
Have a good time,

By: ByWaterAndBlood Thu, 02 Mar 2017 16:58:16 +0000 #comment-195 *If anything* it gives more significance to the fact that all will be reconciled, which would be the point of the "Alpha and Omega" statement. All of creation begins and ends with Yahshua, our salvation.
