Comments on: The Beginning Sat, 26 Sep 2020 06:36:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: GBS Wed, 11 Jan 2017 03:27:37 +0000 #comment-220 This is an exciting prospect to hear about and a very large undertaking. Many scriptural issues that current Christianity is mostly unaware of, especially those topics explained in your writings 'Yahweh's Book' and 'God's Plan of the Ages' exist because of misrepresentations present in the commonly used English translations. The rules, constraints, and agendas that translation teams have put on themselves have prevented the best representation of God's Word to be available in our language. And as many foreign language versions are "re-translations" of popular English versions this project has potential value for non-English speaking believers as well. I am excited to hear some of the results of this project. I brings much joy when you finally arrive at God's truth after struggling with a passage incorrectly presented in many multiple versions.

By: Frank Mon, 09 Jan 2017 07:13:09 +0000 #comment-219 Even though the god of this world has power and control in this world until the end of this age, Yahweh can, and does, reveal Himself to those who seek Him in truth. This is evidenced more and more in recent years where FINALLY, the extensive deception of Satan is becoming exposed. Joseph Herrin's proposal here is not something to be taken lightly.
If this is Yahweh's will, then direction and wisdom will be provided by our Father. Even so, this will be a direct challenge to the lies and deceptions of Satan himself, a challenge to the very power that the Devil is allowed to exercise in this world, and that power is quite extensive and very real.
Joseph Herrin will need our prayers against an enemy who has such power, power so great that he could offer all of the kingdom's of this world to Yahshua in an attempt to dissuade Yahshua from following Yahweh's will. Yahweh knows those who have a love for His truth. Pray for Joseph Herrin in this work.

By: Unknown Mon, 09 Jan 2017 06:25:06 +0000 #comment-218 Looks like your getting stronger,amen and thank you Jesus.Look forward to this endeavor.Love in Christ Jesus.

By: Skip Mon, 09 Jan 2017 04:04:47 +0000 #comment-217 The Creator would certainly want to be known to His creation, not only in our spiritual relationships with Him, but on a personal level – by name, even as we know each other by our own names. There is only one being in all of creation who would stand to profit by the removal of the true name of the Creator from our awareness and from our consciousness. That being is the one who has deceived the whole world, and who has been called a liar and the father of it. That being is he, who with vast pride resulting in great sin, desires to rise to the position and power of the Creator, to be recognized AS the Creator, and have his own name seen in place of the true Creator’s name. We name this being as ‘Lucifer fallen’, the Devil, or Satan, along with many other descriptions. Certainly Satan is the source of ALL efforts to eradicate from memory and writings, the name of our one, true Creator.
