Comments on: The Beginning Sat, 26 Sep 2020 06:36:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joseph Herrin Fri, 10 Feb 2017 22:15:39 +0000 #comment-203 Dear Mark,

In order for you to provide me with things to include in the Scriptures you will have to be a bit more thorough. I do have a book on the Foundational things in the Bible, called Foundations. It does list nachash as meaning serpent. Other places where the word occurs are Genesis 49:17, Exodus 4:3, Exodus 7:15, Numbers 21:6 ff.., II Kings 18:4, Psalms 58:4, etc.. You can look up every occurrence of the word in a Bible concordance.

The word Nephilim means "fallen ones." This is also in the book Foundations.

One thing to keep in mind about Noah is that he is listed as having "found favor with Elohim." Even after his life when all is known about Noah he is described as one of the three most righteous men to ever live (Ezekiel 14:14, 20). I think we read things into the story that should not be there. Noah was inside his tent, and he had just experienced the whole world being destroyed. If there was ever a reason to get drunk, Noah had one.

It is good for you to highlight these passages, for it is important for the words to be explained. But you have not provided enough information about what you think they should mean. If you have not read Foundations then you can find it here.


I have not decided yet whether I will put explanatory notes in the Bible. You asked about English. If it did not have the ability to flesh out passages I think Yahweh would have chosen something else. Perhaps it is not perfect, but it is what we have. This book will be a digital book as well as a published book.

May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these times,

Joseph Herrin

By: Mark T. Fri, 10 Feb 2017 20:04:56 +0000 #comment-202 Bro Herrin,
One passage which comes to mind that will require some thought is the one concerning 'the Sons of God' who saw that the daughters of men were fair and took for themselves wives etc…
Another related verse will include the oft-not-translated 'Nephilim' and a possible explanation of the nature of the serpent in the garden. For example, the Hebrew 'nachash' does not mean 'snake'
I know a lot of myth has come up around these and similar verses but the Lord saw fit to have these things included in the Word. They are there for a reason and should not cause so much confusion. These things represent the foundations of the redemption of creation and should not be so ambiguous (in my opinion) Will you attempt to explain great spans of time that seem to be glossed over in parts. One example is where Noah plants a vineyard and later becomes drunk on the wine. It takes a LONG time to grow grapes and make wine assuming no supernatural intervention. But this passage seems to blow by in a matter of moments…
Will this be a digital book, will it have footnotes to explain certain problems you may encounter? Do you think English has the ability to properly explain and flesh out the subtle meanings encountered in the Word?
Sorry for all the questions, it is a fascinating thing to witness
God Bless
