Comments on: The Darkness Draws Nearer – Part Three Sat, 26 Sep 2020 07:04:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: ray Fri, 05 Apr 2013 07:25:46 +0000 #comment-1194 a fine essay, money and materialism (selfishness, vanity, pride) is by far the number one problem in the churches, and also outside them

money and lotsa stuff are satan's deepest nets in america, but disdaining them is 100 percent necessary to dislodge from babylon

Jeshua harped on greed, over and over, knowing it would also be the biggest hurdle in the last days, and Revelation also condems lucifer and babylon due to avarice, materialistic gluttony, and related iniquities

an "abandoned life" is exactly correct, this is where Father and Jeshua want all their people right now, judgments have already begun and will increase

let Jeshua and his spirit take over, he will sail you thru

"give us this day our daily bread" doesnt mean hey God cough up some chow, it means Holy Father we do not provision beyond a day (or v short period) bc we trust you to give us ALL that we need

this does NOT mean that your life will be easy, in fact it'll probably get more difficult physically etc — but living on minimum needs is a type of shield against the diabolic

most of God's people are currently in poverty, not bc he is punishing them, but the opposite, as a protection and aid, and a vector to the Kingdom

it can be challenging and stressful, but we must all do our best to offer up our small inconveniences to Father and his chosen Servant

thanks for this important sermon on overcoming monetary and fleshly insecurities, i pray it gets wide distribution thru the churches

By: Luke Tue, 02 Apr 2013 05:35:33 +0000 #comment-1193 We are being prepared for a purpose. The works have been finished since the foundation of the world, Heb 4:3,
Eph 1:4. It may sound like a cliche but the trial of your faith is so much more precious than silver and gold. But then live with a spinal cord injury for 29 years. I can identify and be in full agreement with everything said in this episode of the blog. May God bless you, Acts 3:25,26.

By: Marcel Tue, 02 Apr 2013 02:23:08 +0000 #comment-1192 'Wealth makes many friends, but the poor man is avoided by his neighbor.'
Proverbs 19:4
I'm 59 and haven't had a job since 2006 and the Lord is faithful,always when we surrender our will and serve Him.
What a blessing to read this critically important message.
So many Christian voices are calling out to buy gold at this late hour instead of increase faith. (Matthew 8 – increase faith,it's more valuable than gold)
There are so many hidden blessings in 'hating' this present evil world system and coming out of it.The Lord will lead us out of Babylon if we can trust Him above mammon.
Imitating Christ and being obedient to His word always has the easy and wide road competing for our soul.
If we make an evil government the Lord that feeds and clothes us then this is the god we are beholden to.
The god who will eventually require us to take their mark of ownership on out right hand and forehead.
The phony,glittering world is passing away before our eyes.
What a blessing to be separated from Satan's grand material deception that enslaves so much of humanity and Christiandumb.
Jesus' made sure to tell us the big destructive storm was coming when He warned us about building our house on the sand of pleasuring our flesh and material prosperity lies instead of Him the solid rock.

You can't take of it with you ,so where is your real treasure ?

By: Deborah Tue, 02 Apr 2013 00:24:52 +0000 #comment-1191 Shalom Joseph,

It is interesting to me, your first scripture reference for this post is Proverbs 22:7.

I believe Yahveh has instructed me to spend the beginning of each day with Him in His Word, as I find this gives me focus and grounding for the rest of the day as to what His will is for me.

As I was reading this morning, I read this very scripture.

I agree that what is happening in Cyprus is "handwriting on the wall." Things that have existed in the spirit will continue to manifest in the physical.

We see from Genesis to Revelation our Heavenly Father is putting His House back in order. We as believers must "get our houses in order as well."

