Comments on: The Darkness Draws Nearer – Part Two Sat, 26 Sep 2020 07:04:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Earthypix Fri, 29 Mar 2013 19:11:27 +0000 #comment-1206 Thank you for your wonderful posts. I have been very dubious about Pope Francis, he seems too good to be true and obviously that's because he is.
I am sure too, that when the pope was announced a streak of thunder lit the skies (though I could well be wrong, I often am.)

By: Marcel Thu, 28 Mar 2013 19:25:12 +0000 #comment-1205 The majority of Christians are easily intimidated and are in bondage to the fear of man.
They don't really love the truth ,they just like it,but not quite enough.
What has been will be, Jesus always only has a remnant.
We have to love the truth and hate evil ,but today's spirit of tolerance and compromise in the Church has brought a deep sleep on all 10 virgins of Matthew 25.
He will not open the door to the five foolish sleeping virgins when they awaken to the very late hour and come knocking for their sometime Lord.
He wants an all time,all committed,all sold out to Him people. The half committed,half hearted are set to be culled in this harvest of the age which the Lord is bringing on this world.
They don't want to hear the hard trusts and the hard sayings.
That might wake them up before it's too late.
"The remnant will return, the remnant of Jacob,To the Mighty God.
For though your people, O Israel, be as the sand of the sea,a remnant of them will return;
The destruction decreed shall overflow with righteousness.
23 For the Lord God of hosts will make a determined end In the midst of all the land.
Isaiah 10

By: Bunny Oaks Thu, 28 Mar 2013 19:09:42 +0000 #comment-1204 I have missed your blog, but while you were "away" I was led to re-read "Rees Howells, Intercessor" which I had read decades ago, but was too young and not broken enough to receive the message as anything more than a wonderful testimony. Now, decades later, broken down by life and the Holy Spirit; it sheds new light on the narrow path, just as your books have done.
One acre at a time Yahweh is tilling the soil of my life–gaining ground. It is a painful but rewarding process in which I feel less and less qualified for every acre that is overturned…

By: Livingwalk Thu, 28 Mar 2013 18:12:59 +0000 #comment-1203 Brothers and sisters – please take a few moments to read Revelation 13 – there are 2 beasts (unnatural things) that are poised to emerge onto this world scene (rather quickly it seems once the stage has been set). Everything being staged in this world right now is intended to make a way for them, and once manifest, they will set out to deceive the entire world, including most professing Christians, who believe they will be snatched surreptitiously away before darkness is unleashed on the whole world.

Are you ready? Is there anything the dragon can tempt you with, anything at all – self -preservation, self-glory? Are you awake to what is happening in the spirit, to the signs all around us (as Brother Herrin has conveyed) that Satan is coming, that his son is coming and the false prophet who will cause all men to worship him. If the pope was to perform even some small wonder (as did the magicians in Egypt under the power of Satan, do you not think most of the protestant christians, in addition to the 1.2 billion catholics of course) would follow headlong after him?

The days of Noah are coming upon us dear saints, and rebellion and iniquity will flood the earth with a thick, violent darkness. So will we scoff at such things? God help us in this hour dear saints. God help us!

This message from Bro. Herrin is right on; please read in the spirit. Do not shrug it off. Things are moving so fast now, behind the curtain where capabilities and powers are staging their last hoorah before the return of the rightful King.
