Comments on: The Illuminati Bringing Hidden Truths To Light Sat, 26 Sep 2020 06:31:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: ByWaterAndBlood Sun, 11 Feb 2018 06:08:25 +0000 #comment-83 Great addition to the conversation Denton. Another symbol to keep "an eye" out for (pun intended – I guess) is the flower of life. It is popping up everywhere these days. At the beginning of the Belluminati commercial it's flashed onto the dollar bill in the form of the cube of Metatron. This is one of the most significant occult symbols of all time. It is connected to New Age Qaballah (the merkaba and the tree of life) as well as neo-Vedic Hinduism, both of which have become quite popular around the world. The first discovery of this symbol was in Egypt and it is also central to Chinese philosophy as well as Celtic cultures. You will see this symbol in many forms but the most common iteration is the 6-pointed star or the 3/4 view of a cube. It represents the fundamental form and power of space and time that hold the mysteries of the universe. It has become the primary image of unity in the New Age movement.

By: Joseph Herrin Tue, 23 Jan 2018 19:16:22 +0000 #comment-82 Very good Denton. That is an excellent comment.

By: Denton Tue, 23 Jan 2018 18:33:25 +0000 #comment-81 In a similar vein, I think the all-seeing eye is an expression of the meaning of the greek word, 'dragon'

drákōn (from derkomai, "to see," the root of the English term, "dragon") – properly "seeing one," used of mythical dragons (huge serpents) seeing their prey from far away; (figuratively) Satan (Rev 12:7,9) exercising his subtle (indirect) impact on heathen governments (powers) – i.e. accomplishing his hellish agenda from "behind the scenes."

[The ancient Greeks classified a "dragon" (1404 /drákōn) as a type of serpent. 1404 /drákōn ("a dragon") was believed to have incredible insight, able to spot prey in any hiding place.]

so, the surveillance state is a manifestation of this 'dragon' 'ability to spot prey wherever it wants'.

It is a common image in movies, etc to see an individual standing in front of an array of tv monitors which is an indicator of the dragon entity/ Lucifer. This article has a couple of those

By: Joseph Herrin Tue, 23 Jan 2018 14:53:44 +0000 #comment-80 Skip,

Thank you for your comment. To truly understand what it stands for one must look to the true accounts of Freemasons for it was a Freemason who designed it. Of course the first explanation you will find, even among the Freemasons, and which many in the Blue Lodges believe, is a lie. That is the Eye of Provenance.

The All Seeing Eye truly represents Lucifer. The very word Lucifer means "Shining One." We can detect the meaning of Lucifer in the word Lucid which means "bright or luminous." There are thirteen levels up to the All Seeing Eye on the pyramid. These are levels of men, the vast majority being at the lower levels, hence their bigger size. The higher up one goes the more they "see." The topmost layer, of course, is Lucifer, the "god of this world" II Corinthians 4:4.

The All Seeing Eye is of course a lie. Satan doesn't see all things, or he would not have begun down a path opposed to Yahweh.

Joseph Herrin

By: Skip Tue, 23 Jan 2018 03:24:51 +0000 #comment-79 One of the best explanations of the eye in the triangle over the pyramid on the Great Seal of The U.S. (back of the dollar bill) was the fact that the triangle is pointing to the heavens atop the pyramid and is symbolic of man aspiring to rise to be God (think tower of Babel). If the eye was meant to be symbolic of the Creator looking down upon mankind, the point of the pyramid would point down, as if looking from Heaven to Earth.
