Comments on: The Problem of Independence Wed, 28 Feb 2024 04:19:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: John Mark Wed, 28 Feb 2024 04:19:45 +0000 Amen Joseph. After going through my own wilderness journey (and discovering your audio teachings), God led me completely out of the Church, and after revealing to me the truth about the restoration of all things, the damage was done. I saw how the doctrine of eternal punishment tainted every aspect of God’s word, and after He cast down that doctrine, it was like a veil was lifted. When you mentioned the letter kills and the spirit gives life that is what came to mind.

I am curious, if you don’t mind me inquiring… You use Yashua to stay more true to what He was called back in those days, but you still use “Church” to describe the “called-out ones”. As you know “Church” doesn’t come from “ekklesia”, it comes from “Circe”, which I absolutely appreciate your writing on the matter back in 2010.

Wouldn’t calling Yashua’s body of saints by a false name, be the same as giving Yashua a false name?
I don’t mean to offend, I believe the Father connected those dots for me and led me to leave a comment. Take care Joseph, I appreciate what our Father has shared through you. I’ve been reading and listening to since I was 20, I’m almost 32 now.

Sincerely in Christ,
John Mark
