Comments on: The Second Boston Massacre – The Devil is in the Details Sat, 26 Sep 2020 07:03:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: LSW Sun, 21 Apr 2013 01:53:30 +0000 #comment-1161 Joseph,
Interesting that a Mercedes was the alledged getaway car that the one brother stole to escape from the police. He also ran his brother over with the car and killed him in the ensuing action. (or so they say) The brother against brother idea comes to visit once again. Wow- these guys are sick and twisted.

By: Anonymous Sat, 20 Apr 2013 19:28:09 +0000 #comment-1160 Excellent commentary and vision as always into whom and where we are.
The” Feet Of Clay” is who America is, the bombing in Boston by immigrants is parallel to the Revolutionary war,. The Marathon is an event involving the legs and primarily the feet, the bombing injuries focused on the lower extremities. This possibly is a symbol of the start of something of Biblical proportions. Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 2:34 Thou sawest till a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet of iron and clay, and break them into pieces. Without hands is “supernaturally” it happens, and the statue is crushed like chaff on the SUMMER threshing floors and there is a division (Daniel 2:41 the kingdom shall be divided). There is the window of opportunity opened by hasatan and it has begun in the spring and will become angry in the summer.
This I guess is a start of a spiritual season revolution.

By: Unknown Sat, 20 Apr 2013 04:40:00 +0000 #comment-1159 Great writing brother herrin. I knew it was a false flag the minute I saw it! that APRIL sign was great insight and sent chills through my body!
God Bless

By: Joseph Herrin Fri, 19 Apr 2013 13:17:05 +0000 #comment-1158 A word of admonition to those posting comments:

I have often expressed that Yahweh has not directed me to host a discussion forum. I see many dangers and failings in the discussion forum format. With few exceptions, I will not post comments that are anonymous as I believe Christians should own up to their words. Anonymity leads to carnality in communication.

Although I welcome sincere criticism, or disagreement, it is my belief that comment fields are not the best place to air them. My e-mail address is listed on the blog, and private communication is a much better choice for these types of exchanges.

If I sense a person is merely on a rant, and is not seeking any sincere interchange, I often delete their comments rather than posting them. People who flame others are close-minded, and discussion will not profit them.

In some instances, however, such as the above exchange with Kevin, I post the comments and my replies as I sense the person may be open to a patient discussion. I still believe e-mail would be a better forum for such communications to take place. When a person gives only a first name, and no e-mail address, my only options are to answer them through the comment field, or delete their comment, leaving them wondering why it did not get posted.

Some would be offended that I did not post their comment, or answer them when they express sincere objections or criticism, so it is a judgment call whether I should do so.

I invite the readers of this blog to be sensitive to the leading of the Spirit, knowing we must give an account of every idle word we speak. Consider whether it might be the will of Christ to address a matter privately with a brother when you are offering criticism, for it is just as easy to send an e-mail as it is to post a comment.

By: ray Fri, 19 Apr 2013 06:22:23 +0000 #comment-1157 thanks joseph and kevin

a couple days ago i got very emotional about a related matter, involving the torture of a little boy — an increasingly common event in modern, fatherless america

so, that was it for the rest of THAT day

i interact with such issues frequently, so if i got emotional and grief-stricken each time, i'd never accomplish any works, or even begin them

joseph is on the front lines of a war, it's very real and will get much worse

joseph's heart is between himself and God, he and others must have discretion to report in their own ways WHY our God permitted this (or any other event) to happen

given joseph's experiences at the hands of babylon, his demeanor is admirable

kevin, like joseph i hope that in these dark times you are about Father's business, if so be assured that He will restore your son to you, God is not a thief of his own people, he knows about fatherhood and loss

fear no bomb, there is plenty of comfort to be had in these last hours, for those who will have it

By: Mariel Fri, 19 Apr 2013 03:43:56 +0000 #comment-1156 I'm impressed by the exchange between Joseph and Kevin. I too have lost a child. He is not dead. He is a secular humanist, which he acquired because he was sent to secular humanist and elite schools from kindergarten through Ph.D. This is very sad too. I pray for his salvation. I endure his many atheist "forwards" in e-mails, his celebration of gay marriage (he is not gay but he thinks it is wonderful for everyone to be equal). I was powerless to stop him becoming a secular humanist because his life and his education were not entirely in my hands, as I was a single mother who depended on help from her secular humanist parents. So now I pray for my child who is grown. Every person you see was once a child. So pray for all.


By: johnny Fri, 19 Apr 2013 03:14:43 +0000 #comment-1155 I do not think at this point, we will have much time to feel sad. Good Post JH

By: Anonymous Fri, 19 Apr 2013 03:10:32 +0000 #comment-1154 Thank You Joseph, the god of this world, Satan is working overtime,and your insights are spot on. It's very hard to watch prophecy unfold, our hearts will break time and time again. I pray for comfort, strength, and guidance for all.

By: Kevin Fri, 19 Apr 2013 02:46:16 +0000 #comment-1153 Joseph, Thank You and Bless You for the clearity!

By: Joseph Herrin Fri, 19 Apr 2013 01:51:17 +0000 #comment-1152 Hello Kevin,

Thank you for your humble response. I appreciate that you explained why you are sensitive to this issue of showing compassion to those who suffer the assaults of others. You are able to go beyond sympathy, to actually empathize with those who have lost loved ones to violence. Yahweh uses the suffering we have experienced to equip us to comfort others in their afflictions.

II Corinthians 1:3-4
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort; who comforts us in all our affliction so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.

Yahweh has used my experiences to make me sensitive to groups of people that you are perhaps not as sensitive to, and vice versa. Because I have twice been put in jail, I can empathize with the difficult conditions faced by men who spend their days confined, surrounded by ungodliness, separated from family and friends, while suffering loneliness. I have seen firsthand that there are a remnant in prison who are hungering for spiritual truth. These same ones rarely encounter any Bible teaching beyond the elementary things Paul described as milk.

Because I was afflicted in the same way, I am likely to be more sensitive to this type of suffering than a Christian who has not experienced it. The Spirit has put a yearning within me to minister to those in prison. I have spent hundreds of hours putting together a series of newsletters that contain meat for the spiritually hungry. Dozens of men in prison receive these newsletters every week. Even at this rate, it will take a man a year and a half to go through all the teachings I have put together. I receive correspondence from prisoners telling me how much they look forward to receiving the newsletters, and how their spirit is being fed.

It would be wrong for me to suggest that every other believer should put as much time and effort into comforting men in prison as I do. Let every saint be led of the Spirit and they will find opportunities where they are to minister the comfort and life of Christ to others. Some go to the hospitals, some to nursing homes, some raise foster children or adopt the orphaned. I have friends who daily minister to the homeless, the drug addicts, alcoholics, and prostitutes. It would be wrong for them to condemn me for not laboring among the population they serve, even as it would be wrong for me to condemn them for not attending as much to the needs of prisoners as I have been led to do.

I ask for your patience as I explain something about the ministry of writing the Father has called me to. I have always been a topical writer. I address an issue with a specific goal in mind. I do not try to address every subject related to an event, or to a passage of Scripture. I have found that the most effective writing is that which is constrained to a specific teaching goal. When I wrote about the Boston Marathon bombing, I did not seek to cover every issue related to what occurred. Having compassion for the victims is one of a great many topics that arise out of this event.

Because I am a topical writer, when I write about compassion for those suffering, I am likely to devote an entire writing to the subject, not mixing it in with any other thought or idea, for that would lessen the impact of the message. We can be so broad in our approach that readers lose focus. It is my personal conviction that writings are most effective when they are tightly focused on a specific goal.

I will fall short of other people’s expectations if it is their conviction that every writing that mentions calamity, tragedy, or human suffering, must contain a certain percentage of space expressing sadness and remorse for those affected. It is very difficult to write effectively when one is burdened with an imposed need to be politically, socially, or religiously correct.

May Yahweh minister abundant comfort to you, for He too knows the pain and anguish of losing a son to violent men.

Joseph Herrin

By: DREAM BIG Thu, 18 Apr 2013 23:29:44 +0000 #comment-1151 It is the shock and horror that the powers that be play upon. What about the children? Is always the refrain, so that truth and reality become covered by mindless emotion. Of course you care about the victims, this is what the blog is all about. To warn and inform.

Satan counts on blind emotion to cloud thinking. You can care and still tell the truth.

One of the things I noticed was the defiant attitude quoted in the media. "you can't stop us", "we will come back". , The defiant singing of God bless America. Like that will stop the crazies. No stories of prayer or asking God or thanking God for keeping people alive and safe.

There was a story on NPR about a chapel where people have gone. The "pastor" said people come for the grey stones and the stained glass to find relief. What?. How can stones help anyone, maybe they went to pray. Psalm 115. Stones can't save. This pastor was very careful not to mention prayer or God.

It is too eerie how the thread of defiance runs through Boston and west Texas. The mayor of west Texas said "we will rebuild". Shades of the Harbinger, Isaiah 9:11

I'm sad, not glad to see this all happen. I hate that hearts are harden and that people are murdered. I mourn for what will happen because of our collective sin.

I pray everyday for grace and mercy for us all.


By: Kevin Thu, 18 Apr 2013 23:29:33 +0000 #comment-1150 Thank You for your reponse!
As a fellow laborer of Christ as you are, I try my best to show both sides of everthing that I might write or speak. I'm very sensitive to evil acts that take life, because my only child, my son was murdered almost 7 years ago, so the murder of the innocent affects me greatly. I'm sure that you can understand that, forgive me if I came off harsh because I didn't mean to be. I would just hope that you would take the time and effort to reconize the fallen and the hurting in your posts from time to time.
Bless you!
