Comments on: Thirteen Sat, 26 Sep 2020 07:06:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joseph Herrin Thu, 01 Aug 2013 16:37:36 +0000 #comment-1383 Hello Cowan,

I read your comment, but chose not to post it as I believe Nostradamus is an unreliable source and an impure one as well. Although there may be some insight to be gained by being aware of what false prophets are saying (Nostradamus was not a prophet of Yahweh), I would not take their words as authoritative. I would compare the words of Nostradamus to reading Satan's mail. You might discern some of Satan's plans, but one places confidence in what he says at their own risk.

By: Anonymous Fri, 01 Feb 2013 00:35:25 +0000 #comment-1382 This is a fantastic post. This was sent to me by a friend in an email. I was searching the number 13 and it's significance for this year. But your post is excellant. Thank you, I have said over and over That God is calling His people to Come out of her. Very few are heeding the call. God Bless and keep you.

By: RTHuddleston Mon, 21 Jan 2013 18:47:30 +0000 #comment-1381 True enough, judgement is here.But those of us that have come out of her over the years are spiritually prepared to resist.Remember what God told Elijah after he slew the baal priests and fled in fear of Jezabel.Remember Psalm 91.Remember Luke 17:33.
