Comments on: Under the Microscope – Examining All Things Closely – Part 7 Sat, 26 Sep 2020 07:18:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joseph Herrin Fri, 30 Sep 2011 23:30:45 +0000 #comment-1816 Brother Earl,

You asked for my thoughts on "the second death," which the book of Revelations also calls "the lake of fire." I have written somewhat on this subject in the book "God's Plan of the Ages." There is a chapter titled "Hell, and the Lake of Fire." You can find it at the following link.

If you have further questions, or comments on this subject, please contact me via e-mail. I try to use the comment feature of the blog sparingly for a number of reasons.

The comment feature is not ideally suited for lengthy discussions.

Also, I have concerns about public discussion forums, and I continue to seek to keep the comment field from evolving into a such a forum.

I appreciate your understanding of these concerns.

May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days.

By: Earl Fri, 30 Sep 2011 16:21:07 +0000 #comment-1815 Brother Joseph,
Your comment on mixing terminology is well taken;however, the Holy Spirit is the One who chose to use a different term for the death of our carnal mind. As you well know,the book of Revelation is a book of signs and symbols. Very little of it can be taken literally.Please give me your understanding of just what "The Second Death" is so we can perhaps get on the "same page".
The cross that each of us must bear is the instrument used to destroy our carnal mind. Those who come up in the Second Resurrection to experience their time of probation(judgement)will also be required to bear their cross as the means of destroying their carnal mind.The elect(not the many) of God are being judged now and will be in the First Resurrection. Their fitness to be sons,kings,priests,judges and saviors will have been determined;therefore,no further bearing of their cross is required.
Grace be with you. ARisingSon

By: Joseph Herrin Thu, 29 Sep 2011 22:51:40 +0000 #comment-1814 Dear Earl,

I agree with your statements about the need to die to the soulish life resident within us. My objection to your statements in the first post were merely those of terminology. The Bible never calls this death to the soul "the second death" as this is a term reserved for the Lake of Fire in the book of Revelation.

I always desire to avoid confusion in my teaching, and to use language that is consistent with that found in the Bible. When Christ spoke of "hating our soul" and bringing it to a state of death where it is not ruling our being, He referred to this process as "taking up your cross." Paul further taught on this principle when he said, "present yourselves a living sacrifice."

These are images and expressions I use very often in my teachings when speaking of the call of all Christians "to die before you die." I believe calling this experience "the second death" to differentiate it from the death of the natural body can lead to confusion. I expressed this in my previous reply to you as I cited Scriptures that made reference to "the second death" inferring that it is something one should desire to avoid.

May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days.

By: Earl Thu, 29 Sep 2011 22:38:10 +0000 #comment-1813 Brother Joseph,
The First Death is the death of our physical body. Not every one will experience this death. Those alive at the Lord's coming will be changed in an instant to become like the Lord. But "the soul that sins shall die". Every soul(carnal mind) has sinned. Every soul shall die.
The Second Death is the death of the carnal flesh soul(soilish) mind. As you know it does not desire to die. The death of the carnal mind involves much mental and physical suffering. Therefore, it certainly is not desirable to experience the trials,tribulations and suffering necessary to destroy the carnal mind. This is the purpose of the Lake of Fire for all of humanity who are not in the First Resurrection.
Those people who are chosen(as in "many are called but few are chosen")to be the elect are now experiencing the Second Death. They are going through their probation period which results in the death of their carnal mind and preparing them for the First Resurrection. On these judgment has been taking place as Peter said in I Peter 4:17. Therefore, when those in the First Resurrection come to LIFE the Second Death will have no claim on them because they have already gone through it.
Carnally, humanly speaking it is not desirable to experience the Second Death, BUT it is necessary. Every one must experience a time of probation(judging) in order to be made fit for the Kingdom of God(Sonship). Father's purpose for judement is to correct,teach and prepare us for Sonship. Not to punish and destroy.
Grace be with you. ARisingSon

By: Joseph Herrin Tue, 27 Sep 2011 19:28:58 +0000 #comment-1812 Dear Earl,

I appreciate your well wishes for a speedy recovery. The Father is showing me much grace throughout the healing process.

Regarding the "second death." I believe I understand in principle what you are seeking to convey with your statement that all men must undergo the second death. It is true that we must all die to the Adamic life if we are to enter into resurrection life in Christ.

However, this dying to our natural life is not what the Bible refers to when it uses the term "second death" in the book of Revelation. We are also told that it is desirable to NOT be cast into the Lake of Fire which is the second death.

Revelation 2:11
'He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. He who overcomes shall not be hurt by the second death.'

Revelation 20:6
Blessed and holy is the one who has a part in the first resurrection; over these the second death has no power, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with Him for a thousand years.

Revelation 20:14-15
And death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death , the lake of fire. And if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.

Employing the expression "second death" as John did in these verses, we see that it is NOT Yahweh's will that His sons experience the second death. Those who walk as overcomers will be spared (delivered from) the second death.

In the book Christ in You – The Hope of Glory I have made reference to the fact that those who attain to the first resurrection are the equivalent of Firstborn sons. These sons are preeminent, excelling all others. These sons will not have to experience the Lake of Fire because they have offered themselves up as a living sacrifice during their time on earth. These ones have embraced the cross and followed the Lamb wherever He leads.

The first resurrection corresponds to the first feast which is Passover. The parallel is seen in that even as those who put the blood of a lamb on their doors during the first Passover were "passed over" by the death angel, so too those sons who attain to the first resurrection will be "passed over" by death as they are spared the "second death" which is the Lake of Fire.

By: Earl Tue, 27 Sep 2011 18:46:39 +0000 #comment-1811 Brother Joseph,
May you be blessed with a speedy full healing. You must be a joyful person right now as in Paul's being joyful in his sufferings.
I've followed with interest your series on True Discipleship. A very timely topic.
Today's Blog heading is appropriate for my following comments even though my comments aren't directly related.
In your Sept. 6 post you made a statement following the GET OUT OF HELL,FREE card that I would urge you to take to Holy Spirit and allow Him to lead you in examining this topic closely. You said,"I do not deny that being delivered from the Lake of Fire,which is called"The Second Death"(Revelation 20:14,21:8), is a component of the salvation Christ has provided to mankind,…." Joseph, ALL of mankind MUST EXPERIENCE THE SECOND DEATH or they will not enter the Kingdom of God. The Lake of Fire equates to the trials of fire that the elect must go through as they are being judged for fitness to come up in The First Resurrection.
Grace be with you. ARisingSon

By: Joseph Herrin Tue, 27 Sep 2011 00:38:15 +0000 #comment-1810 Brother Art,

I found it very interesting that you should mention the "inverse square law of gravity." Physics was not a major study of mine in school, and I am not an engineer or scientist, but this week I have been reading the book "The Scientists" by John Gribbin. It is a fascinating history of the development of Western science from the time of Copernicus to the present.

The past couple days I have been reading about Hooke, Newton, Wren and Halley, among others who are credited with setting forth this Law of attraction of bodies.

I do enjoy reading about science and technology, and currently I have a lot of time on my hands. This book is over 600 pages, and has been an intriguing read.

I had not connected this inverse square law to the subject of this post until you mentioned it. Thanks for pointing out the application.

By: Anonymous Tue, 27 Sep 2011 00:28:16 +0000 #comment-1809 Brother Joseph – Thanks for this. It is both timely and useful.

What you are describing is the "inverse square law of gravity" whereby an object twice as far away needs to be four times as massive to exert the same gravitational effect, one three times as far away nine times as massive, four times as far away sixteen times as massive, etc.

The simple fact that Mars does not exert any discernible tidal influence on the earth should be sufficient to allay any concerns in this regard.

The stuff about electromagnetism is a case of a small piece of truth being blown into a grand delusion. The sun does indeed behave according to principles of electromagnetism in plasmas (super-heated gasses) — a set of physical laws unfamiliar to us on the earth where it is far, far cooler.

Nonetheless, the relationship of earthquakes to this or anything else as far away as Comet Elenin will get even at its closest is beyond the realm of wild conjecture, grading over, as you say, into pure Hollywood fantasy. The spirit of fear is the common denominator… a sure clue to the absence of the Holy Spirit of God which casts it out.

Blessings for a speedy recovery. May God continue to bless all that you do.
