Comments on: Understanding Faith and Healing Sat, 26 Sep 2020 07:31:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anonymous Sat, 14 Nov 2009 19:13:29 +0000 #comment-2687 Powerful TRUE WORD as always Brother! Amen, Amen, Amen!…Walk by the Spirit and not the Flesh..

By: Anonymous Sat, 24 Oct 2009 03:33:17 +0000 #comment-2686 This is a profoundly helpful teaching, Joseph. Thank you. As the first commenter opined, perhaps one of your best.

The management example 'works' and puts into perspective the battle between those who would elevate book above Spirit, or divorce Spirit from book. I take them to be complementary but distinct mechanisms by which God reveals himself to us.

And your own example… wow. Praise God for your healing, but even more so for the example of your faith.

I was at first inclined to think: This is so 'out there'; I cannot even comprehend it.

But upon reflection, I can think of at least three examples in my own life where first-rate doctors said: "you must have surgery soon or you will be crippled" and something inside me said gently: "No. Wait and trust."

None of those situations seemed as clear-cut as yours, but they're obvious to me in hindsight. They've all been totally healed against overwhelming medical statistics.

If I were to sum up this teaching (so I can remember it!), would I be off-based in saying that God doesn't give advice; he gives truth?

For if we're disinclined to listen — i.e., if we're inclined to think of His Word and Spirit as merely good ideas to be followed at our whim, then we've elevated ourselves above his will already and so yeah, why should he waste his time? (Yeah, I know he can make as much time as he needs; we're the ones who are wasting it).

By definition, if we do that, we have rejected truth itself and become — in at least one sense, for one thing, for a moment — antichrist.

The amazing thing is that, when we do put him in the "nice advice" category and do not step out in total faith, he still comes back to us, gently, over and over, and gives us the chance to take baby steps of faith that help us grow towards varsity-team commands like the one he gave to Abraham about Isaac.

By: Joseph Herrin Fri, 23 Oct 2009 15:11:48 +0000 #comment-2685 Thank you for your comments on this illustration. What you have perceived is not a contradiction in my theology. It is simply a shortcoming in an illustration. Illustrations are useful in helping readers to understand spiritual concepts, but they have their limitations. Even the parables of Christ, if taken beyond the scope of the points He was intending to be derived from them will eventually break down.

If we are to establish doctrine we must always look to the Scriptures, and this is what I have done in the article. The illustration is not intended to establish doctrine, but merely to shed light on doctrine established by Scripture.

In your comment you declared the following:

“In my understanding, the Law and the Spirit are not an "either-or" equation. They are a "both-and" equation and are not incompatible with one another.”

Both the Law and the HOLY Spirit reveal Yahweh’s righteousness. In saying that they are not incompatible, you are correct as long as you understand the role of each one. The Law was not in existence during the first 2,500 years of man’s existence. It was given for a period of 1,500 years UNTIL the promised One should come. When Christ appeared, He set men free from the dominion of sin and Satan, and sent forth His Spirit to indwell man. At this point there was a replacement of Law with something far better – the indwelling Spirit of Christ.

That one must give way to the other is apparent in many Scriptures.

Romans 7:4
Therefore, my brethren, you also were made to die to the Law through the body of Christ, that you might be joined to another, to Him who was raised from the dead…

Of course, the Law is holy and righteous and good, but it is also temporal in its role. It was given as a shadow of the righteousness of God until the substance should appear.

Galatians 3:24-25
Therefore the law was our tutor to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith. But after faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor.

Paul, without question uses a better analogy than I have used. Rather than speaking of a manual, he speaks of a schoolmaster. The schoolmaster is not incompatible with that which comes after it. The Law and the Spirit of Christ agree with one another. Yet, when the Spirit of Christ is given, then the tutor no longer has dominion over us. We have moved into a much fuller experience of relationship with God. We have moved from shadow to substance.

As I have mentioned previously, this teaching of the proper role of the Law is too large to address in comment fields, so I ask you for patience until I am able to write a much fuller teaching on this topic. This I hope to do soon.

By: Anonymous Fri, 23 Oct 2009 14:26:25 +0000 #comment-2684 Excellent teaching, Joseph. I see a contradiction in your theology, however. After using the illustration of the worker needing to study and refer to the manual in order to be a good employee, you teach that the Law is something that believers don't to need anymore.

When would it ever be OK for the employee to ignore or set aside — much less transgress — the guidelines of the manual? Yet this is what you are teaching when you say that the commandments of the Law no longer apply to Christians, isn't it?

In my understanding, the Law and the Spirit are not an "either-or" equation. They are a "both-and" equation and are not incompatible with one another.


By: Joseph Herrin Thu, 22 Oct 2009 23:15:00 +0000 #comment-2683 Dear Kim,

Words of advice?

Don't argue with Satan. I find that it is best to rob his power by agreeing quickly with our adversary. When he says, "Why would God choose me?" I would answer, "Certainly not for anything He saw in me. He chose a weak, sinful, man when God set His eyes upon me."

The only explanation for God's choice is "He is a God of perfect love and immeasurable mercy."

So keep pressing on sister.

By: Kim Thu, 22 Oct 2009 22:39:47 +0000 #comment-2682 Joseph,
Is it crazy to say, "I'm getting there"? I'm studying", I'm praying, I'm hearing, and sometimes I get it right and sometimes I don't. I so much want to do it all in the spirit. It seems as though I'm learning so much so fast and I'm cramming for a final exam or something. I truly want the Holy Spirit to teach me and I truly want to want to follow Him. Satan has the most convincing way of saying, "Why would he choose you?", and I feel like I must be coming along because the evil one seems to be having a heyday accusing me. Any words of encouragement or advice?


By: Anonymous Thu, 22 Oct 2009 18:17:55 +0000 #comment-2681 Joseph,
This by far is the best and most Spirit-Led teaching you have done. It's so refreshing to read kingdom principles that have been taught and applied in someones' life. This teaching by the Holy Spirit has saved me much frustration in ways of healing and given me much understanding of our Sovereign Father's ways and how we can not apply carnal understanding and expect spiritual results.

Thanks Joseph for being teachable and ready to receive in order to give to others.
