Comments on: The Way to Life – Suffering’s Role in Spiritual Growth Sat, 26 Sep 2020 07:17:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: dc Sun, 16 Oct 2011 22:41:31 +0000 #comment-1801 My goodness, when I was reading about the sister you mentioned Joseph I thought it was my story (very similar)! I was wondering how you knew my story when I'd not told you!!
Anyway, thanks for sharing that. [And to the sister, "I understand your sadness and feelings of alone-ness …maybe we should be friends!"]

This came to mind when reading about her dad, having a change of mind – because it was leaving.
There's an insect God designed with two brains. One for when it's a caterpillar, and the other kicks in when it becomes a butterfly!

The old has past the new has come.
Our 'soul' brains do well in the physical but not in the spiritual. As it goes with our spiritual brain in the material world: it seems foolish/unpractical. After reading this article, about the insert, you might find a Divine connection or example! Thanks.
