Comments on: What’s the Big Deal About Christmas? Sat, 26 Sep 2020 06:49:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jesse Wed, 10 Dec 2014 20:32:14 +0000 #comment-648 So-called believers can do all the scriptural gymnastics they see fit, but the bottom line is: There is no way to justify "celebrating Jesus' birth" on December 25. We can prove from the books of Luke, Matthew and Revelation that the Messiah was born on or about September 11, 3 B.C. (see: for further information)

So if someone you know thinks that "Jesus is the reason for the season" or they are somehow "honoring" His birthday, ask them this question: What if your wife were born on April 22 and you wanted to honor her with gifts and celebration, but you say to her, "My girlfriend who I dated continuously for over ten years before I ever met you was born on March 22. I faithfully celebrated her birthday every year with gifts. Do you mind if we just celebrate YOUR birthday on March 22? It has become such a tradition for me that it's easier to remember. Besides, I'm married to you and it's really YOU that I'm thinking of. All we are doing is just changing the date. No big deal, right, honey?" I guarantee your wife will not agree.

So let's think of the context in which Yeshuah was born. It is actually the exact time of a feast of Yahweh, the FEAST OF TRUMPETS.

Joseph, thank you for spreading this message regarding XMAS faithfully every year. In 2011 when I was in college, we were studying syncretism in an Old Testament history class. This phrase "the high places" kept popping up everywhere in the OT. When I did a web search compiling information for a research paper, I found your heart4god website and the teaching you did on syncretism. From that day forward, I have been studying and learning to show myself approved. I have never looked back. Most of my family has rejected me and cast me aside. That's fine because HE will truly bless you with the peace that surpasses all understanding. I'm living proof.

I was raised in a Baptist church and we celebrated in our home and with our large family Christmas, Easter (ham included), Valentine's Day, Halloween, St. Patrick's Day, New Year's Day, etc., etc. I am grieved in my soul that 95% of my life was WASTED violating the first commandment by serving other gods and the second commandment by filling my life with idols. There's no way I can ever make that up to Yahweh.

Thank you again and may Yahweh richly bless you for being a faithful vessel of truth, Joseph!!

By: Lis Carpenter Wed, 10 Dec 2014 15:46:45 +0000 #comment-647 My friend sent me a link to your website, and I am thankful to have just a bit more info to share with my Christian family who have refused to acknowledge the truth of the pagan roots of Christmas over the last few years by stating, "Well, I know who I'm worshiping." Or they make statements like, "Well, we invite Jesus to our Christmas dinner. It's His birthday. Why wouldn't a Christian want to celebrate Jesus' birthday?" It's time to fight the good fight of faith:)

By: Randy & Kathy Furman Tue, 09 Dec 2014 02:08:01 +0000 #comment-646 Randy and I were discussing this post and we each thought of the same verse. It seemed very appropriate for this message: Jeremiah 12:5 If you have run with the footmen, and they have wearied you, then how can you contend with horses? and if in the land of peace, wherein you trusted, they wearied you, then how will you do in the swelling of Jordan?

By: gijane02 Mon, 08 Dec 2014 05:50:24 +0000 #comment-645 Brother Herrin, this post hit home. I remember reading your post last year about the pagan origins of the holidays that we celebrate , and thinking back on it ,there just was not a final 'yes' within my heart like there is now. I thank God for His mercy during all these years. I heard the truth, but just lived to please people and not rock the boat. I did not remove all of the high places.My children are asking about the lights and decorations that are up and why we don't have them like everyone else. Let me tell you, it's frustrating trying to explain why we are no longer celebrating Christmas to a seven-year-old with ADHD, and a four-year-old, lol! They both have the attention span of two seconds, but I told them that Santa was a myth and tried to share from your presentation in a way they could understand. It's a little hard, but then again, compared to other things that God is working out of me, not really. I think the test began as soon as I told my husband that I feel that we completely should not partake in Christmas and these other holidays. The next thing he said was that his unit is having a Christmas party. He is going but, I told him that I would not and that I don't want the children to go. I think it will just confuse them. He says it would give me a break for a little while, but I still don't feel it's worth it. I need to be an example to them. We were also invited to Christmas dinner to a fellow soldier's home and I'm not sure about that. If eating at their house would be partaking in idolatry? It's definitely hard standing alone more and more, but we have to endure. God is showing me that. Thank you for standing on God's truth.God bless!
