Comments on: Why So Downcast, O My Soul? Sat, 26 Sep 2020 06:42:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anonymous Sun, 08 Nov 2015 23:05:35 +0000 #comment-425 Praise is a wonderful method we can use to bring healing and deliverance to our souls and bodies! Many people are depressed today; one of the quickest ways to receive deliverance from depression is to praise God. We must make our souls bless the Lord when we are not feeling well. It will bring liberation and healing.

i am with you, brother Vincent, i went through the similar situation.

try your best to Praise God

Gdo Bless

By: Unknown Sun, 08 Nov 2015 07:38:11 +0000 #comment-424 Holy Spirit of Hope; Restore Brother Vincent from his Despair, In Jesus Name.

Let your Hope ever remain…..

Revelation 1:17,18 ….Fear not; I am the first and the last:
I [am] he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the
keys of hell and of death. KJV

By: Unknown Fri, 06 Nov 2015 21:02:51 +0000 #comment-423 Vincent, My husband and I read this post the other evening. You wrote,"I came to realize how dark the world is, including most of the churches and denominations, so my drive and reason for life evaporated." When I read those words, Phil.4:8 came clearly to my mind. Then I continued to read the rest of your letter to Joseph and saw that you quoted the Phil. 4:8. I believe the Holy Spirit brought that scripture to my mind to be an encouragement that He is speaking that to you. Keep holding on to Yahweh through the fire! He who called you is faithful and He will do it! (1 Thess.23-24)

By: ByWaterAndBlood Wed, 04 Nov 2015 00:21:53 +0000 #comment-422 Vincent, you are not alone. I felt suicidal for most of my life for many of the same reasons before accepting Christ back into my heart. Since then my depression, anxiety and anger have been mostly subdued. There are still days where these afflictions get the best of me but not like they used to. These days I still cry an awful lot, but they are no longer tears of despair. They are tears of repentance, tears of rejoicing in the coming victory Christ has already secured, and tears of celebration in the sufferings I endure in the name of Yahshua. Most people will simply refuse to understand that last sentence and therefore its wisdom will pass them right by. Part of loving others is sometimes letting them go. This is a lesson I recently had to learn. All of my old friends are very anti-Christian, as I used to be, and I was convicted to not participate in my oldest friend's wedding because of his blatant mockery of my faith. My appeal to him fell on deaf ears and made him angry. Needless to say he no longer wants to be my friend. Through the grace of God I am not depressed about it. I knew what had to be done and what the result was going to be before I mustered up the courage to talk to him. Part of walking with Christ in this time is recognizing that it is a temporary, afflicted path but also knowing that the highest wisdom is found in the last place most anyone would ever look for it: complete self sacrifice to Jesus.

I do still feel hopeless sometimes, mostly when I have done something outside of the leading of the Holy Spirit. These are times when I try to reach out to people or act on my own accord and receive a backlash of unnecessary suffering. It is usually because my pride is hurt that I couldn't reach them. But when I follow His leading, even if I'm suffering it still feels rewarding. Even in our transgressions He provides a redeeming way out. I too am finding that the people that I was closest to growing up, some family and many of my recent friends who are Christians reject what the Spirit has to say. Yet for me it has not been all that discouraging. It has been a confirmation that I am heading into the arms of my Savior by learning to hear and follow His voice. On the other hand there have been a handful of people who HAVE heard what the Spirit is saying through me, my mother being one, and although they may not fully understand the message I know that the seed has been planted. Glory and praise be to the Lord who gives us spiritual seeds to plant and living water to help them sprout! Just make sure you are planting them in good soil lest they be strangled by thorn-bushes or trampled by dogs!

Stay strong in the Lord brother Vincent. Press into Him always. Redemption is coming!

"Rejoice in hope. Be patient in tribulation. Be constant in prayer." Romans 12:12

By: Unknown Mon, 02 Nov 2015 15:39:22 +0000 #comment-421 Vincent, Thank you for sharing. I want to let you know that because of your post and Joseph post you are helping many others out there. I am reminded of 1 kings chapter 19 verse 14 when Elijah felt all alone and was running for his life. in verse 18 it says "Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him."

Vincent, look up! Your not alone

By: Unknown Mon, 02 Nov 2015 10:16:39 +0000 #comment-420 Vincent – my wife and I are also fed up with the standard church programs and services. We meet with a few others who have 'left the organised religion' and desire to only be led of the Holy Spirit.
We also live in Australia and desire to be a light in the growing darkness of this world.

Michael Root

By: Eddy Carter-Smith Mon, 02 Nov 2015 07:40:24 +0000 #comment-419 Dear Brothers Joseph and Vincent,

This letter and it's response could not have been written at a better time. Bros Joseph can testify that I have expressed frustration to him in an earlier e male -my situation and experience is virtually identical as to what Vincent feels and assimilates.

Living in South Africa is a challenge to the most hardy,the mayhem of evil here is astonishing to the extreme. As a family man who has extricated himself from the corporate church some 12 years ago, have been an anchor for financial matter on radio.The more I study God's word and strive to live righteously, the more things go "wrong" one would expect that as I am well versed in Financial planning matters and been around for 28 years ,I would be financially stable,my family would be at peace and all would be as blessed as one can possibly be.

No such thing The community I reside in accuse me of fundamentalism,Elders of past churches say I am missing the spirit of Gods intention one does not have to accept the failings of the Corporate church but rather continue in it for the benefit of others."Not to forsake the gathering of the saints…" is often flung at me.
Topping all this, all I touch seems to fall fowl and fail, my name has been slighted and besmirched. All doors have slammed shut.My marriage is under sever attack, my spouse does not accept my understanding gracefully. My children believe me to be a conspiracy nut, as do most every one else.

I find myself feeling severe emotional swings from despair to moments of hope ,I am in constant prayer from demanding to begging to resignation – a ship in a tempest no less.
I remember the prayer Jaybez prayed "Oh that though would bless me oh Lord…" I toil with the thoughts that I am not worthy and all my efforts are sinful wasted and I have wronged God.
Yet each day my Spirit seems to rally and Jesus says "upon this rock I will build my church,and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it" I give where I can and I eagerly share my biblical knowledge with strangers, yet it is as if God has turned His head away from me and His hand is not inclined towards me.

But just this morning I went and knelled quietly merely to say "Lord this I do to acknowledge you as King of Kings and Lord of Lords ignore me but I shall worship you.
I cannot do anything that will in anyway promote me before You accept to believe in You.Let your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

I am encouraged by you both and therefore also wish to say we must keep on keeping on ,reaching for that final goal the prize that awaits us.

By: Unknown Mon, 02 Nov 2015 00:53:37 +0000 #comment-418 My wife and I also reside in Australia, have come out of the current church system, and have very similar situations and feelings to Vincent. We often say, "Why can't we have a season of reprieve?" While we were in the church system (pentecostal) we always agreed with "as many as are led of the the Spirit are the sons of God". We are now in the process of learning to be more led of the Spirit on a daily basis as this is our basic hearts desire, knowing that being anywhere else is a very dangerous place to be. I am in the process of reading Overcoming Addiction as there was a comment by Brother Joseph to a prison inmate that it was about the basics of being a true disciple. There is so much conflicting prophecies/teachings on the net by various so called Christians, that it is nearly impossible to discern who is legit and not, so as a result I personally have decided to be led of the Holy Spirit as my main focus. Kind regards – Gavin.
