Comments on: Why the Bible Does NOT Condemn Slavery Thu, 21 Sep 2023 02:14:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: John Atwood Thu, 21 Sep 2023 02:14:22 +0000 I agree, all true. Here are a few thoughts to think about.
I would only add that because in my opinion that the Christian religion needed free will because in Natural law that is what is necessary for a moral personality–knowledge and a will to choose [1] which is the foundation of the legal personality in civil law. Paul speaks out of the Law and the Prophets saying that we were slaves to sin (Rom 3:20) and that now we are to be slaves to righteousness [Our Father’s will] which I see righteousness and righteous judgment defined by our Lord Jesus Christ in John 5:30–“I am not able of myself to do anything; according as I hear I judge, and my judgment is righteous, because I seek not my own will, but the will of the Father who sent me.” This is our status and condition in Christ–“I am the vine, you the branches; he who is remaining in me, and I in him, this one does bear much fruit, because apart from me you are not able to do anything” (Jn 15:5).
Are you able to see? The Constitution of the United States and its so called God given rights are of a natural–soulish foundation. I know this will rankle many, but it is the truth. See the word confound in Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary–Latin., to pour out. Literally, to pour or throw together.]

1. To mingle and blend different things, so that their forms or natures cannot be distinguished; to mix in a mass or crowd, so that individuals cannot be distinguished.

This explains a lot and exposes what E.W. Bullinger says in his Two Natures in the Child of God–that all religion is of the flesh and the Christian religion is no exception. Search a digital PDF for religion and exact phrase Christian religion and all cites should reveal.

It [the U.S. Constitution] was a great experiment all right but it is founded upon the lie that the Law of God is natural contrary to what we know intuitively (oida G1492 Zodhiates Word Study Dict.) that the Law is spiritual. According to natural law theory rights inhere. Men are purported to be born with them. To act on right you are inherently doing something from yourself and in your own name contrary to Col 3:17 and Jn 5:19, 30. Joseph you have written much about resting from our own works I believe. I find only authority in Holy Scripture. Our Lord and King was given all authority in heaven and earth (Matt 28:18). The word for authority is exousia from ek (G1537) and ousia (G3776). We hear His voice and know it intuitively (oida) Jn 10:4 because having been begotten from above out of God we hear the words (rhema) of God (Jn 1:13, 3:3, 8:47).

begat, begotten, see Companion Bible note for γεννάω gennáō G1080 on Matt 1:2. Also because we are the promised SEED and His seed abides in us (Rom 4:13, 15; 1Jn 3:9) which is why we are not adopted but having overcome sin–evil (1Jn 2:13) which root is found in Adam in Gen 3 who became subject–a slave to a condition. πονηρός ponērós; fem. ponērá, neut. ponērón, adj. from pónos (G4192), labor, sorrow, pain.

[1] I agree with Barclay and Bullinger. Sin is first a universal condition–a root–darkened in the intellect and alienated from the life of God (Gen 3:22-24; Eph 4:17-18) which bears fruit–sins. Paul illustrates this condition in the phrase, “sin dwelling in me”. Bullinger’s note on Rom 5:12 says, “Having described the fruits of sin, the apostle now goes on to deal with the root.” Paul illustrates again, “because of this, even as through one man the sin did enter into the world, and through the sin the death; and thus into all men the death did pass through, upon which [Eph 4:18, mortality–Jn 6:53–eat … drink=Heb. idiom] See Companion Bible note. (Rom 5:19)

How could God abolish slavery? It is a major part of His plan and purpose. We become slaves of Christ Jesus our Lord and of Righteousness (Rom 6:19) through the law of redemption. Joseph I know you know this that the Greek word for lord is κύριος kúrios G2968=means owner among other attributes. We are not our own for we are bought or purchased with the price of His precious blood (1Pet 1:18-19). We are exhorted though, not to become the slaves of men. Hmm. (1Cor 7:23).

The Living Most High God is awesome beyond my comprehension! Life comes out of death (1Cor 15:36) and true freedom is slavery to righteousness leading into holiness! Just wow. The nature and quality of this slavery-freedom is in the bond of perfection–agape and I like the way Bullinger sums it up in our responsibility to the new nature:

2.) In Rom_7:6 this new sphere of life is used in connection with service “but now we were cleared [or discharged] from the law, having died to that in which we were held, so that we [are now privileged] to serve in newness of spirit (i.e., in the new sphere of the new nature), and not in the old sphere of [the] letter [of the law]”. This tells us that our service is no longer to be governed by the “letter” of the law, but by its “spirit”; and our service is to spring from a new motive altogether; the other is old41 and antiquated and out of date. Now it is to be not from duty, but from love; not from the observance of rules and regulations, but from delight; not from vows or pledges, but in perfect freedom of action; not as being bondservants, but as sons. A totally new sphere of service is brought to us with the new nature; and our responsibility henceforth is to serve God on this line and plane of service. Unless we are most watchful we shall find ourselves constantly dropping into the bondage of the antiquated letter, and acting in a servant-spirit instead of a sonship-spirit.

But I say, Over so long a time the heir is an infant, he being lord of all does not differ from a slave, but is under guardians and housemasters until the term set before by the father. So we also, when we were infants, we were under the elements of the world, being enslaved. But when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, having come into being out of a woman, having come under Law, that He might redeem the ones under law, that we might receive the placing of sons. (Gal 4:1-5 LITV)

adoption = sonship. Greek. huiothesia. Occurs here, Rom_8:23; Rom_9:4. Gal_1:4, Gal_1:5. Eph_1:5. An “adopted” child may partake of all the privileges of the family, yet it is not begotten and born in the family. But the subjects of this verse are begotten of the Spirit (Joh_3:6) and are, therefore, sons of God by spiritual generation. It is thus a real sonship-spirit that enables them to cry, “Abba, Father. ” Adoption is a legal fiction from the law of the Roman beast systematizing of the error [τηνG3588 μεθοδειανG3180 τηςG3588 πλανηςG4106]

method (n.)
early 15c., “regular, systematic treatment of disease,” from Latin methodus “way of teaching or going,” from Greek methodos “scientific inquiry, method of inquiry, investigation,” originally “pursuit, a following after,” from meta “in pursuit or quest of” (see meta-) + hodos “a method, system; a way or manner” (of doing, saying, etc.), also “a traveling, journey,” literally “a path, track, road,” a word of uncertain origin (see Exodus).

Grace, peace and mercy from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ
no debt men=Romans 13:8-10.

P.S. Almost no one among the believers I meet know anything about the natural law. Amazing. To get the gist of the essence of the “Matrix” or how Mystery Babylon has enslave mankind the introduction to Dr. Otto Von Gierke’s book, Natural Law and the Theory of Society from 1500-1800 lays it all out. Particularly pages xlii-xlv and lxx-lxxvi. If you are interested I can e-mail them to you.

And last of all a quote from Frederick William Maitland’s introduction to Gierke’s, Political Theories of the Middle Age (1900).:
The corporation is and must be a creature of the State [a corporation]. Into its nostrils the State must breath the breath of a fictitious life, for otherwise it would be no animated body but individualistic dust. Pg xxx. Introduction.
