Comments on: Wilderness Survival for Christians – Part 1 Sat, 26 Sep 2020 07:29:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joseph Herrin Tue, 13 Apr 2010 17:26:35 +0000 #comment-2526 Dear Mike,

Regarding tent selection, because this is a public blog I feel I must qualify any statements here. I have not recommended that anyone go out and purchase a tent. I am proclaiming a surrendered life where each individual is being led by the Spirit in the things they do.

There may be a very real need in coming days for people to have some sort of portable shelter. Many will no doubt have to flee the cities, or follow the Lord into places that shelter is lacking.

In each instance, I believe it is important for the individual to be guided by the Spirit in these preparations. I have been provided a small camper/van by the Father, but I cannot tell others they should go purchase the same. This was Yahweh's provision for me.

For a season it was the Father's will that I dwell in a tent, and I own a couple of tents at this time. The tent that the Father led me to dwell in was not one chosen based upon its features. It was simply the one Yahweh chose for me, and it was given to me at no cost.

Yahweh will also have a specific provision for you. I encourage you to wait upon the Father, asking Him to guide you in this matter.

By: Mike Hart Tue, 13 Apr 2010 16:56:32 +0000 #comment-2525 What kind of tent do you recommend? 3 individuals

By: Joseph Herrin Sat, 03 Apr 2010 13:47:28 +0000 #comment-2524 Dear Anonymous,

Thank you for writing. I can understand your concern over the fact that I do not post all comments. The comments on this blog are moderated, and I do not post them all. The Parables Blog is not a forum, it is a teaching website. I do have many concerns about Christian forums, which I have expressed in the following article:

I have always moderated the comments on the blog. As you have stated that your comments have been positive, but were not posted, it is evident that I am not excluding only those posts that are negative.

The reasons I do not post some comments are varied. Some contain doctrinal error, and I do not wish to perpetuate it, and did not feel that a public rebuttal was the best way to handle it.

Others are written by people who are careless in their communication. They are soulish, rather than spiritual, and would not benefit the readers of this blog.

Some are off the point, and would be a distraction to the reader. It is important that after a person reads a blog that their thoughts remain focused on what the Spirit is conveying. Some comments lead away from the central message are are therefore a distraction.

Some comments are simply unnecessary. I see little value to the saints in them being posted.

Some people use the comments field as their own personal forum to convey a message that is clearly antithetical to the teachings of the blog owner. My advice to them is to write their own blog where they can gather a following that thinks they way they do.

Many people write things anonymously that they would not write if they put their names on them. I am not always led to post anonymous comments due to a lack of accountability on the writer's part.

At times I do post comments that seem to have little benefit to others, but I have judged that some person needed to express publicly their own commitment to following Yahshua. Such things are a judgment call.

Overall, in most cases I do post people's comments unless something in me sends up a flag. There are no hard and fast rules on this. I seek to be led of the Spirit in this matter.

It is not my intent to offend people by not posting their comments, but neither am I seeking to please men above God. I hope you will understand.

May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days.

By: Anonymous Sat, 03 Apr 2010 11:28:05 +0000 #comment-2523 I realize this is "your" blog and you can post whatever comments you care to post. But I see that you have not posted any of my comments. (and they have been positive ones at that). This make me have a check in my spirit about your blog….

By: wendyworn Fri, 02 Apr 2010 03:22:30 +0000 #comment-2522 Thank you so much for this article! Our Father is always faithful to meet our needs when we truly walk out on faith and trust in Him!!

By: Michelle Fri, 02 Apr 2010 00:23:34 +0000 #comment-2521 Dear Brother Joseph:
A while back I read your entire testimony in Evidence of Things Unseen and I just couldn't stop reading. I felt my soul related so much written in your testimony but at one point my jaw dropped at the part where you fell and broke your leg (or hurt your foot?) because God was trying to get your attention over some credit care expenditures? Well about the identical thing happened to me right after I moved to a new town: On my way to work I slipped and sprained my ankle. It hurt really really bad and I didn't have health insurance so I didn't go to a foot doctor. When I got home that evening I had to crawl on all fours because of that foot pain. Well, that evening my soul felt so dry and longing and hungery for God, so I searched for a Christian radio station to listen to (I didn't get around to that since moving to new town). Well Thank our Lord I did find one and immediately my soul felt relieved while listening. That's when I started searching for a church and found a great weekly small group bible study and my soul was really getting fed. But that sprained ankle is what started it all, otherwise in hindsight I would have continued to be worried about the cares of this world. My foot eventually healed and 8 years later it seems to be just fine–Thank you Jesus!

By: Linda Thu, 01 Apr 2010 20:09:08 +0000 #comment-2520 Thank you so much Joseph for a huge confirmation of all that I have been going through for a few years now. I left my job this January and I heard those words too to come out of sodom andnot to look back and also to come out of babylon or I would share in her iniquities. I went on a mission trip in February and I am going back for the summer. I am going where he is leading me and leaving what ever I have to behind. God Bless you Joseph for speaking the hard things that the Lord wants spoken! May He reward your faithfulness!
