Comments on: Wilderness Survival for Christians – Part Six Sat, 26 Sep 2020 07:28:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anonymous Sun, 25 Apr 2010 19:04:13 +0000 #comment-2492 excellent, and very uplifting !! i have for thirteen years now, been wondering why "God's people" can't seem to understand the Bible means what it says, and says what it means… i grow so weary of people telling me that we are free under grace to act as the world, not checking our mouths at the door, not checking our lust at the door, not checking anything at the door,,,,, but 'must attend church on Sunday – or Saturday, depending on who is talking,,, and must assuredly tithe that 10% !! Lord, have mercy on us, remembering it in wrath that must so spring to Your mind and fill Your heart at what You see and hear. God bless you, Joseph…

Dee,,,, "Trust in the Lord. He will renew your strength, and provide for you as He has for me these past hard and nonprosperous by men's account, years. Give Him your all, and He will do what is needed and necessary. David said, 'I have never seen the righteous begging bread.' And I have found it to be so." I am ritencraft @; or Pam Rice on facebook, if you would like to contact me. God bless your heart for Him, sweetheart 🙂

By: Anonymous Fri, 16 Apr 2010 14:09:52 +0000 #comment-2491 Yeah, no pats on the back that is for sure. When the LORD impressed upon us to take in our neice, people said we were too old (38), what if she turned out retarded, there was no way we were going to get her… And then on the day we did get her, there was no fan fare, no baby shower, no nothing.
We are praying if we should take in her baby half brother. What did we get from 'christians': well, you cant save the world. Ah, JESUS told us to take in the orphan, needy, help the poor….
I know one other person who refuses to celebrate xmas and easter.
Unless you belong to a church (building), no one really wants to help you or counsel you. But I have seen the LORD lead us through some times where I just literraly wanted to die!
You can live in a big house and have money etc, and be in a wilderness so lonely you want to scream! And whenever I feel like it I do scream out, cry out to my FATHER.

By: Anonymous Thu, 15 Apr 2010 19:14:35 +0000 #comment-2490 Joseph,

Good stuff. Hard stuff. His stuff. I appreciate your writing. It is a real encouragement to those of us who are trying to "die to self". It's a blessing to understand that these light afflictions are designed to draw us closer to Jesus. May we embrace them all the more.
