Comments on: Wreck-It Ralph – Sympathy for the Devil Sat, 26 Sep 2020 07:03:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Unknown Sat, 24 Aug 2013 06:15:32 +0000 #comment-1141 I am very glad you posted this! I do not usually follow parables blog but my mom does. Lately, I have really felt God telling me to pull away from television series, movies, commercials,ect. I am a Christian but have not been guarding my temple like I should have. As I am pulling back from media and truly stared researching it I was shocked by all the hidden messages in television. I was especially appalled by disney! Most of their cartoons have hidden agendas/messages in them. As a Christian it is very sad to see so many people drawn into disney and to let their children watch disney! Disney metaphorically is a type of satan…it seems so sweet and innocent (a type of fruit offered) but ultimately it will slowly pull apart your family values and beliefs.

By: Man from Modesto Sun, 19 May 2013 20:16:30 +0000 #comment-1140 I recently made two youtube videos targeting atheists. I warn about how Hollywood uses psychology knowledge to get into their head and front load them to accept things, and to frame their interpretation of future events.
You will also like an article I have been building a few years: "Classical Conditioning in Movies: Mind Control."

By: Velvet Tue, 07 May 2013 07:27:32 +0000 #comment-1139 Hello Joseph! While reading this I had the thought to go look up the meanings of the main characters' names. The name 'Felix' means 'happy and prosperous', whereas the name 'Ralph' means 'Wolf Counsel'.

By: Jared Tue, 07 May 2013 04:20:20 +0000 #comment-1138 thanks Joseph, very much appreciate this blog post.

By: Joseph Herrin Mon, 06 May 2013 22:30:48 +0000 #comment-1137 Hello Carina,

I remember when Veggie Tales first came out. Phil Vischer was evidently the originator of the characters, and along with Mike Nawrocki formed Big Idea Entertainment to market the videos in the early 1990s. They have been very popular, and have been promoted by Focus on the Family which was founded by James Dobson.

When Veggie Tales first came out I had concerns about them. I have never liked movies, or stories, that altered, or trivialized, Biblical stories. I have long believed that divinely inspired accounts should not be altered at the whim of man, especially not for the sake of making them more entertaining.

One of the overriding characteristics of Veggie Tales is that they are silly. Christian culture has truly been dumbed down in recent generations. Everything has to be "fun" and "entertaining." This stands in stark contrast to the sober spirit manifested and advocated by Christ and the apostles.

I Thessalonians 5:6
Let us not sleep as others do, but let us be alert and sober.

II Timothy 4:5
But you, be sober in all things…

I Peter 1:13
Therefore, gird your minds for action, keep sober in spirit…

I Peter 4:7
The end of all things is at hand; therefore, be of sound judgment and sober spirit for the purpose of prayer.

I Peter 5:8
Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.

I am not surprised that Veggie Tales is a wildly popular series among Christians of this hour. The church has largely rejected the disciple's cross. That which is silly, fun, entertaining, and trivial (all that appeals to the flesh) has found a welcome reception among a sensual church.

This trend does not bode well when considering the great shaking, and intense suffering, that is drawing ever nearer.

By: Joseph Herrin Mon, 06 May 2013 22:03:28 +0000 #comment-1136 Hello Skip,

The boxer is a big improvement over Alfred E. Neuman. My dog Champ approves.

By: Unknown Mon, 06 May 2013 20:06:37 +0000 #comment-1135 Having a child not yet four, I'm painfully aware of the addictive power of cartoons.
I have found satanic elements in Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (certain invocations eerily reminiscent of witchcraft), Care Bears (one of the bears has a five-pointed star in its chest), Dora the Explorer (I once bought a story only to find it was full of pumpkins, vampires and skulls, it ended up in the trash!) and lots of other characters and series are very suspicious.
I was recently watching a Veggie Tales episode on Youtube. It's supposed to be Christian. Look at this song "Oh, No! What We Gonna Do?"
Checkered floor, columns, movements of the veggies. Looks masonic to me. Do you know anything about the guys who produce these videos?

By: Anonymous Mon, 06 May 2013 18:01:03 +0000 #comment-1134 Thank you Joseph for the 'heads up' regarding the previous photo that I had selected. I had not associated the Alfred E. Newman image with Mad Magazine – only with the intended innocuous appearance. I have changed my appearance – I hope that you like dogs!

By: Joseph Herrin Mon, 06 May 2013 14:09:24 +0000 #comment-1133 I am posting the following comment from a sister named Laureen:

There are two things the Ruach HaKodesh showed me as I read this:

1. The number of pounds Ralph weighs is 643. According to the Rabbis there are 613 mitzvot in the Torah. This number is 30 more – Yeshua being about 30 when He began His Ministry. Also, age 30 is when the man was of age to serve as priest in the Temple. Of course the adversary wants to upstage Messiah.

2. The word gold – If you remove the "l" the word is "god". Are you familiar with paleo Hebrew? The Lamed – letter sounding like "L" is a picture of a shepherd's crook portion of his staff. The lower case "L" – l – looks like the paleo picture of the Vav – which is a nail, or stake – something that connects. (I have never seen a spiritual connection using paleo Hebrew for an English word until now.

The insight as I can only credit the Ruach on the word "gold" as I was reading this exhortation was this: If we are following the false Messiah/Shepherd we will make the gold of this world our god, which is hasatan, the false god of this world.

By: Joseph Herrin Mon, 06 May 2013 13:57:42 +0000 #comment-1132 Hello Skip,

I am not a fan of the image you have chosen for your G+ account. Mad magazine is a Satanic publication of the same order as anything Disney ever produced. However, your comment is very insightful, and I appreciate you sharing it.

At the first level of Entered Apprentice, the Masonic candidate is required to expose the left breast. This matches the character of Wreck-It Ralph who has the left side of his suspenders unfastened. Following is a quote from a website that comments on the significance of the bare breast in Freemasonry.

Sword in the breast

The Entered Apprentice candidate then receives a jab into his bare breast from the point of a compass. The conductor declares, "As this pricks your flesh, so may remembrance prick your conscience, should you at any time be tempted to betray the trust we are now about to place in you."

The conductor then declares, "The Entered Apprentice candidate has been received according to Ancient custom."

We learn in the 'Freemasons Guide and Compendium' that by the candidate enduring such a reception; "There is brought home to him the seriousness of the step which he proposes to take, and he is reminded of the responsibility that will rest on him to guard the secrets about to be entrusted to him." (P. 273)

The candidate is later told, "At your entrance into the Lodge, this sword was presented to your naked left breast, so that had you rashly attempted to rush forward, you would have been accessory to your own death by stabbing. Not so with the brother who held it; as he would have only remained firm to his duty" (Masonic Manual p.9).

Former Wiccan Witch high priest and thirty-second degree Freemason – William J Schnoebelen, in comparing the remarkable similarities between Freemasonry and the initiation into witchcraft, exposes the Satanic home of this practice. He states both groups: "Challenge the candidate by piercing their naked chest with a sharp instrument (witches use a sword, Masons, the point of a compass)."

In the 'History of Initiation' by Oliver, we find the origins of this ancient practice in the Persian mysteries where the initiates were met by the point of the sword being pressed into their left breast.

By: Mon, 06 May 2013 09:24:15 +0000 #comment-1131 There was a book I read a few years ago but I cant remember the name or author. The book was about the different ways satan has tried to present himself to humanity.

One chapter of the book stated that satan did not want to worship Jesus even though it was Jesus who created him. The book also stated that Satan was angry/jealous of Jesus because Jesus didnt consult or include him in the decision to create man.

Im not sure if these statements are true but they do align with what Jospeth has written in this article.

I can summise that it was probably the adoration and worship from humans that satan used to entice the angels that followed him in rebellion, those same angels are probably what mankind worshiped as pagan gods which still occurs today in places like india.

I watched a vid on youtube by a jewish rabbi. The vid was about how unique the hebrew language is and how it is the only verbal language that is akin to the language of scientific expression eg h20 is water being 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom.

As the vid went on the rabbi stated that the christian concept of satan is wrong. He said that satan is only doing what God commands him to do and that satan is not evil but it his his job to tempt and test mankind.

I was suprised to hear this from a jewish rabbi but I looked at his other vids and he venorates the kaballa so its no wonder he had these views.

By: Anonymous Mon, 06 May 2013 09:09:56 +0000 #comment-1130 This was a good analysis, Joseph, and well needed regarding all of the Disney garbage that is fed to the children.

One of the first things that I noticed about this Ralph character, was the unattached left strap on his overalls. This immediately reminded me of something I read some time ago concerning the symbolism used in Masonic initiates ceremonies, if I recall correctly. The left breast is intentionally exposed during those ceremonies for some reason or another. I do not know their purpose for doing this, but this character's partially undone overalls seems to fulfill some Luciferian purpose as well.
