Comments on: Yahweh’s Book – The Manuscripts of the Bible Sat, 26 Sep 2020 06:58:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joseph Herrin Sat, 30 Nov 2013 12:47:30 +0000 #comment-882 Hello Mark,

You have asked an excellent question regarding the KJV only belief, and I have already planned, and begun to address it, in the upcoming chapters of this series of writings. I encourage you to keep reading as they are posted and I trust your question will be satisfactorily answered.

Regarding the comment/question on the Bible resembling computer code, those who create programming languages have to greater or lesser degrees tried to make them comprehensible by incorporating elements of human speech and writing. I believe you will find that your comment on the C programming language being similar to the text of the Bible is equally true of a great many books.

May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days,


By: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 12:39:21 +0000 #comment-881 Hi Joseph, what is your opinion of people who subscribe to the king James only method of studying the bible. Some pastors/teachers put forward some powerful arguments as to why the king James only should be used. One of those teacher is Mike Hoggard.

Personally I prefer the king James but only because it's the version I've been used to from a child, but versions such as the NIV do have some worrying omissions or changes, such as the description of satan as the son of the morning (kjv) and morning star (niv), where morning star is a title for Jesus.

Another such example is in Daniel where the 3 hebrews were thrown in furnace and the NIV describes a son of the gods appearing with them but the kjv states 'the son of God'.

I think that Holy Spirit is more than capable of guiding anybody through any version and pointing the errors and mistakes while making use of the good.

The 2nd thing I'd like to raise is that the scriptures read like a computer code. For example in c# there key words such 'for', 'void' and 'if'.

The way the scriptures are written (at least in english) are very similar to the way programming language is written. Do you think there is a parable or meaning behind this similarity?

Many thanks

