Comments on: Yahweh’s Book – Naming (Mis)Conventions Sat, 26 Sep 2020 06:57:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: gijane02 Tue, 24 Dec 2013 00:41:54 +0000 #comment-851 Carina I also downloaded The Scriptures translation as well. It is very enjoyable to read. I had a 14 hour road trip yesterday and I was still up until almost midnight reading some more in Daniel. Brother Joseph it's funny that you put down the meanings of Daniel and Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed Nego. I received a Strong's Concordance a few months ago and I was studying their names. Their names testify of what God did for them in that you furnace and in the lions den. Thank you for mentioning The Scriptures translation and I am enjoying these posts as well. God bless.

By: Unknown Mon, 23 Dec 2013 03:50:24 +0000 #comment-850 I appreciate this blog post. I don't think you're splitting hairs here. Just like I WOULD mind if people decided to celebrate my b'day on any other day but the day I was born, I wouldn't like people to call me Karen or Karin when my name is Carina. (And I hate it when people misspell my name, which has many variations.) I think YHWH's name is very important. I don't think calling our savior Jesus is a serious error (He does save lots of people who don't know His Hebrew original name and invoke Him in the many translations of it) but we who have some knowledge should strive to be as close to the truth as possible.
I have downloaded The Scriptures version for e-sword. I'm sure it'll make interesting reading.
