The Parable of the Gulf Oil Spill

The Parable of the Gulf Oil Spill

Joseph Herrin (06-09-2010)As I arrived at Matthew Washington’s home for the first night of meetings in the Houston area he commented to me that he felt that I would surely say something about the ongoing oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. I told Matthew that I had prepared a presentation just that...

The Worship God Will Not Despise

The Worship God Will Not Despise

Joseph Herrin (06-08-2010)First the Announcements:Audio Page Has Been Updated:Some had reported problems listening to, or downloading, the audio files from the recent meetings that have been posted. Ifeanyi Isitor has kindly labored to get these audios posted where all can listen to them. If you...

On the Road with the Holy Spirit – Part Four

On the Road with the Holy Spirit – Part Four

Joseph Herrin (06-03-2010)Important Note: The Hemphill, Texas meetings begin Friday night (June 4th) and run through Sunday morning. My next stop is Fort Worth, Texas. Roger Norman will be hosting meetings June 10-12 at his home. Please contact Roger for directions, or to let him know you are...

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This is the Blog site of Joseph Herrin. It is a companion to the Heart4God Website. Writings are posted here first, while the Heart4God site contains an archive of all of my books, presentations, concise teachings, audio messages, and other material. All material is available free of charge. Permission is granted to copy, re-post, print, and distribute (free of charge) any of the material on these sites.

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Love - The Sum of the Law

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