Yahweh’s Book – Part 6 – Errors in the Bible

Yahweh’s Book – Part 6 – Errors in the Bible

King James, the Most High and Mighty! Really? I believe the Scriptures as originally written by men who were inspired of the Holy Spirit are free of error. However, we are thousands of years removed from the original autographs of these men, and if you are like me, the Bibles you read today have...

Yahweh’s Book – Part 5 – The Myth of an Inerrant Text

Yahweh’s Book – Part 5 – The Myth of an Inerrant Text

Biblical inerrancy means different things to different people. To some it means that the Scriptures as originally written by men inspired of the Holy Spirit were a perfect representation of the words of God. For some, though not all people, Biblical inerrancy also means that the Bible in its...

Yahweh’s Book – Part 4 – The Manuscripts of the Bible

Yahweh’s Book – Part 4 – The Manuscripts of the Bible

Dead Sea Scrolls - Isaiah Scroll The followers of Yahshua owe a great debt to the Hebrew people. The Bible exists because Yahweh inspired Hebrew men to record His words for mankind. Although the Bible has One primary Author, that being the Spirit of God, it has numerous human authors. We are told...

Yahweh’s Book – Part 3 – The Languages of the Bible

Yahweh’s Book – Part 3 – The Languages of the Bible

A story is told about the first woman governor of the state of Texas, Miriam Amanda (Ma) Ferguson, who was elected to office in 1924. A debate was raging in Texas as to whether children immigrating from Mexico should receive public education courses in their native language of Spanish. Reports of...

Yahweh’s Book – Part 2 – The Tanakh

Yahweh’s Book – Part 2 – The Tanakh

In the previous chapter it was observed that the Bible is a book of covenants. Though we read about multiple covenants established between God and man in the Bible, two of these covenants predominate; an older covenant established by Moses at Mount Sinai, and a new covenant established by Yahshua...

How to Fake a Pandemic

How to Fake a Pandemic

By George Young (04/13/2020) I’m sitting here on April 12th, what many Christians call Easter, a day they celebrate the resurrection of Christ. I recall the childhood rhyme, “Here’s the church. here’s the steeple. Open it up and here’s all the people.” Today, there are no people in the churches....

Yahweh’s Book – Part 1

Yahweh’s Book – Part 1

Joseph Herrin (04-10-2020) John Wimber, one of the founders of the Vineyard Movement, was not raised with a Christian influence in his life. He had never entered the doors of a church in his youth, never read a Bible, or heard one read. He was a keyboard player for a rock group in the early 1960s,...

Prison Ministry Update

Prison Ministry Update

(04-07-2020) George with New Printer Our ColorQube 8880 finally died. It was a fantastic printer, and it had an extended warranty from Amazon. They always had to send Xerox out to repair it, but their repair was always done right. I figure I cost them about $2000 dollars in repairs, but over the...

Update 04/04/2020

Update 04/04/2020

Kristin & Friends (Click on any picture to view larger) I want to share some news about my daughter Kristin. She spent a great deal of time seeking the Lord about whether she should spend 3 years, instead of 2, in Poland. After all her praying, she heard from the Lord that she was supposed to...

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This is the Blog site of Joseph Herrin. It is a companion to the Heart4God Website. Writings are posted here first, while the Heart4God site contains an archive of all of my books, presentations, concise teachings, audio messages, and other material. All material is available free of charge. Permission is granted to copy, re-post, print, and distribute (free of charge) any of the material on these sites.

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