A Feather on the Wind

A Feather on the Wind

Joseph Herrin (09-27-2013) In the movie Forrest Gump the image of a feather floating on the wind is used as a metaphor for the life of the main character. There is never any sense that Forrest Gump has planned his life, for as he often states, he is not a very smart man. He simply takes life as it...

Two Writings from Readers

Two Writings from Readers

Following are two writings I have received from the saints that I believe will speak to the readers of this blog. Stallone Two Weeks Into Recovery (Note the prominence of his ribs.) Testimony of Healed Dog Brian Klumpenhouwer September 13, 2013 In 2012 the Lord directed our family to move from the...

The End is Near

The End is Near

Joseph Herrin (09-19-2013) Randy Simmons occasionally speaks to me regarding how long it has been since the Father has spoken about things to come, both in his life on a personal level and on a national and global scale. The Father has not been stinting with His prophetic utterances. There have...

Answers to “Ten Questions Christians Can’t Answer”

Answers to “Ten Questions Christians Can’t Answer”

Joseph Herrin (09-16-2013) If you missed the original post that this one follows up on, you can find it at the following link: https://heart4god.ws/wordpress/2013/08/ten-questions-christians-cant-answer.html In the above post I provided a link to a video posted by a Bible skeptic. The author...

Push Back – Addendum

Note: This post brings to completion the series titled Push Back. Some readers have asked whether this series will be posted in a single document in order to read, download, print, and share with others. You will find that the series is now available as a book in PDF format on the Heart4God...

Push Back – Part Seventeen

Push Back – Part Seventeen

Joseph Herrin (09-10-2013) Note: This is the last “chapter” of the Push Back series. There will, however, be an addendum that follows. Teachings on any subject will always fall short of answering every question, and addressing every issue associated with a topic. Nevertheless, I believe this...

Push Back – Part Sixteen

Push Back – Part Sixteen

Joseph Herrin (09-08-2013) Anarchy Poster The promotion of homosexuality plays an important role in Satan’s agenda to establish a tyrannical one-world government over all the earth. It is well to ever keep in mind that Satan is a deceiver who deceives the WHOLE world (Revelation 12:9). There are...

Champ – The Serpent Sounder

Champ – The Serpent Sounder

Joseph Herrin (09-06-2013) Champ - September 6, 2013 If you are not familiar with the story of how Yahweh sent me a dog last year, you can read about it here. It makes quite a remarkable story. An elderly sister in Christ had sent me an e-mail commenting on how much she found her Chihuahua to be...

Push Back – Part Fifteen

Push Back – Part Fifteen

Joseph Herrin (09-04-2013) What are the spiritual roots of homosexuality, and how is homosexuality mirrored in the spiritual life of the church? These are important questions to consider, for to return to a condition that God can bless, men and women must recognize how they got so far afield of...

Push Back – Part Fourteen

Push Back – Part Fourteen

Joseph Herrin (09-02-2013) I began this series having discerned homosexuality to be an issue that Yahweh would have me to address with His people. The e-mail responses I have received thus far have revealed that this series has been timely, insightful, and challenging to many who read these posts....

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This is the Blog site of Joseph Herrin. It is a companion to the Heart4God Website. Writings are posted here first, while the Heart4God site contains an archive of all of my books, presentations, concise teachings, audio messages, and other material. All material is available free of charge. Permission is granted to copy, re-post, print, and distribute (free of charge) any of the material on these sites.

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