The Orderly Procession of the Spirit and the Gift of Tongues

The Orderly Procession of the Spirit and the Gift of Tongues

Joseph Herrin (07-04-2013)The Day of PentecostI deemed it expedient to post a second writing on the Holy Spirit, and tongues as a sign, after receiving numerous e-mails on the preceding post. When writing on a particular topic I often discover many of the arguments that cause people to stumble at...

The Myth of an Inerrant Text

The Myth of an Inerrant Text

Biblical inerrancy means different things to different people. To some it means that the Scriptures as originally written by men inspired of the Holy Spirit were a perfect representation of the words of God. For some, though not all people, Biblical inerrancy also means that the Bible in its...

The Mazzaroth

The Mazzaroth

Joseph Herrin(03-26-2021)In order to interpret a heavenly sign, each element must be understood according to its divine meaning. From ancient times the stars and planets have been named, and the heavens divided into an orderly arrangement following the path of the sun in the heavens (the...

The Luciferian Foundation of America

The Luciferian Foundation of America

Joseph HerrinI know the title of this writing will upset many, but the illusion of America being a Christian nation needs to be cast down in this hour that a righteous remnant might come forth in devotion to Christ who purchased them from OUT OF every tribe and tongue and nation. There are at...

The Issue of Judging

The Issue of Judging

Joseph Herrin (6-20-2000) The issue of judging, exercising discernment about the appropriateness of the behavior of a brother or sister and offering correction or warning, is a much misunderstood topic. The Bible contains both clear admonitions to judge, as well as warnings against judging. On the...

The Humble Bean – Part 2

The Humble Bean – Part 2

Joseph Herrin (05-17-2012)Makings of a Good MealI want to share some more of my recent meditations upon the humble bean and what we can learn by it. The book Beans - A History by Ken Albala reveals clearly how beans have throughout history been considered the food of the poor, of...

The Humble Bean – Part 1

The Humble Bean – Part 1

Joseph Herrin (05-16-2012)I enjoy studying a wide array of subject matter. I have found that Yahweh speaks through so many diverse things in His creation. There is understanding to be gained in everything around us. When Yahweh recently began speaking to me about eating legumes as a source of...

Syncretism – Conclusion

Syncretism – Conclusion

SYNC or SWIMJoseph Herrin (10-23-2010)Perhaps you have considered that the practice of Syncretism that has been revealed in this series is the opposite of the separation that God has always required of a people who will be holy unto Him. Syncretism is the mixing of the holy and profane. It is to...

Syncretism – Part 7

Syncretism – Part 7

Joseph Herrin (02-22-2010)This is the most important post of this series, for in it I will address the motive behind the practice of syncretism. Without any doubt in my mind, understanding this matter will be a key issue for all who would walk as overcomers in these last days.As I have meditated...

Syncretism – Part 6

Syncretism – Part 6

Joseph Herrin (02-19-2010)The practice of syncretism, of mixing the abominable practices, symbols and doctrines of idolatrous religions with the teaching of Christ and His apostles is clearly observable to all who care to examine the matter. One need only look at any of a multitude of things in...

Syncretism – Part 5

Syncretism – Part 5

Joseph Herrin (02-17-2010)Symbol of Tanit - Fertility GoddessThe symbol above is found at many ancient ruins where the Lunar goddess Tanit, also known as Ashtoreth, Astarte and Ishtar, was worshiped. It is the symbol of “the queen of heaven,” whose original was the Babylonian Semiramis, wife of...

Syncretism – Part 4

Syncretism – Part 4

Joseph Herrin (02-15-2010)Egyptian Obelisk in St. Peter’s Square from St. Peter’s BasilicaAn obelisk is an object of pagan Sun worship. The word obelisk means “shaft of Bel” (Baal). Nimrod, was known as Baal in various nations and tongues, and he was pictured as the Sun. The Sun was worshiped in...

Syncretism – Part Three – The Harlot and the Scarlet Beast

Syncretism – Part Three – The Harlot and the Scarlet Beast

Joseph Herrin (02-12-2010)It is only possible to accept that the picture above is an image of what Christ intended His church to be if one has become divorced from the truth. To be divorced from the truth is the definition of the word apostasy.II Thessalonians 2:1-3Now we request you,...

Syncretism – Part Two – ROME

Syncretism – Part Two – ROME

Joseph Herrin (02-11-2010)Map of Roman Empire Circa 300 A.D.Let me begin by sharing the working definition of Syncretism for this series.Syncretism is the merging of Christian belief and practice as defined by Christ and His apostles, with extra-Biblical beliefs and practices which often...

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This is the Blog site of Joseph Herrin. It is a companion to the Heart4God Website. Writings are posted here first, while the Heart4God site contains an archive of all of my books, presentations, concise teachings, audio messages, and other material. All material is available free of charge. Permission is granted to copy, re-post, print, and distribute (free of charge) any of the material on these sites.

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