Injury and Recovery

Injury and Recovery

Joseph Herrin (09-29-2011)  Having heard about the accident I had when an elderly lady in her 90s ran into me while I was riding my motorcycle in Macon, some wrote to ask about the motorcycle. They were curious whether it had sustained damage, and was still functional. I imagine that the...

The Way to Life – Part Seven – The Privilege of Persecution

Joseph Herrin (09-28-2011) Luke 6:22-23 “Blessed are you when men hate you, and ostracize you, and cast insults at you, and spurn your name as evil, for the sake of the Son of Man. Be glad in that day, and leap for joy, for behold, your reward is great in heaven.” In recent days two separate...

Under the Microscope – Examining All Things Closely – Part 7

Under the Microscope – Examining All Things Closely – Part 7

Joseph Herrin (09-26-2011) Comet Elenin Back in April I began a series titled Under the Microscope in which I urged the saints to test carefully the many conspiracy theories and doomsday prophecies that are so rampant in this hour. Although we do live in an hour when great judgments must come to...

The Way to Life – Part Five – Sharing in the Sufferings of Christ

Joseph Herrin (09-19-2011) The union of Christ and His body is a great mystery. Much has been written and preached regarding the oneness of Christ and those saints who comprise His body. One aspect of our identification with Christ that has been largely neglected, especially in this late hour at...

The Way to Life – Part Four  – Suffering Saints

The Way to Life – Part Four – Suffering Saints

Joseph Herrin (09-16-2011) There is a great deception that Satan has foisted upon multitudes of Christians who are eager to accept it. The foundation of this deception is the belief that God wants Christians to have happy, materially abundant, pleasurable lives free of poverty, poor health,...

A Season of Injury

A Season of Injury

Joseph Herrin (09-09-2011) On Tuesday of this week (September 6, 2011) I spent the morning writing the previous post titled “Why Does God Require Christians to Suffer?” Little did I anticipate that before the day was over I would be entering into a further season of suffering. In the afternoon I...

The Way to Life – Why Does God Require Christians to Suffer?

The Way to Life – Why Does God Require Christians to Suffer?

Joseph Herrin (09-06-2011) The inescapable message proclaimed by Christ and His apostles is that Yahweh has appointed unto men that they suffer many things in this life. This truth is affirmed through the most common image associated with Christianity; the cross. The cross is an instrument of...

The Way to Life – Must a Christian be a Disciple?

Special Note: Ruth Elias, a sister in Christ, has offered to make available at no charge copies of the Psalms recorded on CD. These are professional quality recordings that her father, Charles Koomruian, a retired minister, made not long ago. I have had a copy of this recording for some time. I...

The Way to Life – What Is Christ’s Invitation to You?

Note: I had anticipated heading down to South Georgia at this time to begin going into some prisons to minister to the men there. However, the Father has shown me that the time has not yet arrived for me to do so. He would have me to get some further things ready in preparation for the in-depth...

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This is the Blog site of Joseph Herrin. It is a companion to the Heart4God Website. Writings are posted here first, while the Heart4God site contains an archive of all of my books, presentations, concise teachings, audio messages, and other material. All material is available free of charge. Permission is granted to copy, re-post, print, and distribute (free of charge) any of the material on these sites.

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Love - The Sum of the Law

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