Attractive Deception – Part 2

Attractive Deception – Part 2

Hanukkah - The Jewish Saturnalia Idolatry has always been a snare to Yahweh’s chosen people. Abram, the first of the Hebrews, was called out of Ur of the Chaldees by Yahweh. Ur lay in the land of Babylonia, the most ancient source of idolatry. Undoubtedly, when Yahweh appeared to Abram calling him...

Attractive Deception – Part 1

Attractive Deception – Part 1

During the last month I have had much more than the usual amount of readers on the Parables Blog. It is evident that the Christmas and Easter holidays are much on the minds of a select number of Christians. I have even had a leading of the Spirit to provide the same sampling of articles to a local...

Syncretism – Conclusion

Syncretism – Conclusion

SYNC or SWIM Joseph Herrin (10-23-2010) Perhaps you have considered that the practice of Syncretism that has been revealed in this series is the opposite of the separation that God has always required of a people who will be holy unto Him. Syncretism is the mixing of the holy and profane. It is to...

Syncretism – Part Seven

Syncretism – Part Seven

Parting of The Ways Joseph Herrin (02-22-2010) This is the most important post of this series, for in it I will address the motive behind the practice of syncretism. Without any doubt in my mind, understanding this matter will be a key issue for all who would walk as overcomers in these last days....

Syncretism – Part Six

Syncretism – Part Six

The Great Substitution Joseph Herrin (02-19-2010) The practice of syncretism, of mixing the abominable practices, symbols and doctrines of idolatrous religions with the teaching of Christ and His apostles is clearly observable to all who care to examine the matter. One need only look at any of a...

Syncretism – Part 5

Syncretism – Part 5

The Persistent Fallacy Joseph Herrin (02-17-2010) Symbol of Tanit - Fertility Goddess The symbol above is found at many ancient ruins where the Lunar goddess Tanit, also known as Ashtoreth, Astarte and Ishtar, was worshiped. It is the symbol of “the queen of heaven,” whose original was the...

Syncretism – Part Four

Syncretism – Part Four

Apostles of the Sun Joseph Herrin (02-15-2010) Egyptian Obelisk in St. Peter’s Square from St. Peter’s Basilica An obelisk is an object of pagan Sun worship. The word obelisk means “shaft of Bel” (Baal). Nimrod, was known as Baal in various nations and tongues, and he was pictured as the Sun. The...

Syncretism – Part Three

Syncretism – Part Three

The Harlot and the Scarlet Beast Joseph Herrin (02-12-2010) It is only possible to accept that the picture above is an image of what Christ intended His church to be if one has become divorced from the truth. To be divorced from the truth is the definition of the word apostasy. II Thessalonians...

Syncretism – Part Two – ROME

Syncretism – Part Two – ROME

Joseph Herrin (02-11-2010) Map of Roman Empire Circa 300 A.D. Let me begin by sharing the working definition of Syncretism for this series. Syncretism is the merging of Christian belief and practice as defined by Christ and His apostles, with extra-Biblical beliefs and practices which often derive...

Syncretism – Part 1

Syncretism – Part 1

(02-09-2010) Syncretism: the attempt to reconcile disparate or contrary beliefs, often while melding practices of various schools of thought. This may involve attempts to merge... several originally discrete traditions, especially in the theology and mythology of religion, and thus assert an...

What’s the Big Deal About Christmas?

What’s the Big Deal About Christmas?

Joseph Herrin (12-06-2014) Kirk Cameron’s Saving Christmas - Poster Modified to Promote Truth in Advertising (Click on Image to View Larger) I would like to challenge you with the following thought. Your success in passing through the coming days of Christian persecution and global tribulation are...

Should Christians Celebrate Christmas? – Part 2

Should Christians Celebrate Christmas? – Part 2

Christmas The Curious Origins of a Popular Holiday Already the decorations are going up, the parties are being planned, the presents are being bought. Soon people around the world will again be celebrating...

Should Christians Celebrate Christmas – Part 1

Should Christians Celebrate Christmas – Part 1

This post contains a selection of internet pieces written by different men to demonstrate why they have chosen to not celebrate Christmas. All of these men are professing believers, though they have approached this topic from a variety of perspectives. I hope to show you that it is possible to...

Removing the High Places – Part 2

Removing the High Places – Part 2

It is a simple matter to demonstrate Satan’s deceit in leading the saints to mix the holy and profane together. One need look no further than the name of the celebration which is called Easter. The name Easter never appears in Scripture, other than one occasion in the King James Version of the...

Removing the High Places – Part 1

Removing the High Places – Part 1

Joseph Herrin The history of God’s chosen people Israel as recorded in the Old Testament of the Bible is filled with tragedy. Nowhere are the disastrous consequences of offending a holy God and incurring His wrath seen more clearly than when His people embraced the worship of idols with all of...

A Rockefeller Christmas

A Rockefeller Christmas

Joseph Herrin (12-08-2010) Wisdom  - Rockefeller Center One can at times be helped to discern the origin and the hidden esoteric meaning of a symbol by looking at how those who are known workers of darkness employ them. The image I want to examine in this post is that of the Christmas tree....

An Important Decision

An Important Decision

I will be taking a break from posting the chapters of The Remnant Bride in order to publish multiple articles on Christmas and Easter. Yahshua has drawn my attention to this subject once again. He has shown me that observing holidays that are not in His word, and which are nowhere taught by Christ...

The Remnant Bride – Part 15

The Remnant Bride – Part 15

The Victory of the Bride There are many false teachings circulating among the church in this hour concerning a rapture of the saints out of this world and away from all the trials and testing that will be  a part of what is called The Great Tribulation. Many lukewarm, carnal, worldly saints...

The Remnant Bride – Part 14

The Remnant Bride – Part 14

David, A Type of the Bride Anyone familiar with the story of David will recognize in him attributes of the Bride of Christ. As we have mentioned, love is the greatest attribute of the Bride. It is no coincidence, therefore, that David’s name means “loving.” From the first mention of David in...

The Remnant Bride – Part 13

The Remnant Bride – Part 13

The Wilderness It was not God’s intention for the children of Israel to spend a whole generation in the wilderness. The wilderness was not to be their destination. However, the wilderness was an integral and important part of their journey. Going through the wilderness was not optional. Even so,...

The Remnant Bride – Part 12

The Remnant Bride – Part 12

Love, the Wellspring of Courage Many saints have made an earnest attempt to follow Christ, only to fall short and grow weary in the pursuit. The reason for their failure is often that they are relying upon their own human strength to follow Yahshua. Personal resolve and self-discipline are the...

The Remnant Bride – Part 11

The Remnant Bride – Part 11

The Joy Set Before Us What is it that could convince a person to turn his back on all that the world has to offer? What is it that could keep one steadfast in pursuit of a heavenly goal in the face of the most severe opposition and oppression? What is it that could cause a man to accept with...

The Remnant Bride – Part 10

The Remnant Bride – Part 10

Embrace the Cross The Bride’s dwelling is in the Most Holy Place. This is the place of habitation and abiding. This is the place where the veil of the flesh is torn apart and communion with God is the order of the day. Even as the literal veil in the temple was torn asunder when our Lord was...

The Remnant Bride – Part 9

The Remnant Bride – Part 9

The Outer Court We have stated that the Outer Court of the tabernacle is representative of those who come to Christ for the remission of sins. It is the furthest location from the Most Holy Place that is still part of the tabernacle. Many Christians have through ignorance or disobedience become...

The Remnant Bride – Part 8

The Remnant Bride – Part 8

Evidences of Separation Not all Christians will freely receive the message of a remnant Bride. Those who are content with the things of the world and who are enjoying the pursuit of their own interests will find the message to be somewhat threatening to their idyllic existence. The western church...

The Remnant Bride – Part 7

The Remnant Bride – Part 7

The Deep Sleep of Adam In the formation of Eve we see many parallels to the formation of the Bride of Christ. One of the very striking parallels between these two brides is that they are both taken from a body that has been cast into a deep sleep. To examine this, let us begin with the description...

The Remnant Bride – Part 6

The Remnant Bride – Part 6

The Remnant Bride A deception has been foisted upon the church. The deception says that all Christians are equal before the Father. They will all share the same resurrection, the same reward, the same destiny. This is entirely untrue. Many have confused the remission of sins, which is given freely...

The Remnant Bride – Part 5

The Remnant Bride – Part 5

Many are Called, but Few are Chosen How awful it would be to receive a summons to the wedding feast of a great king’s son, only to be singled out upon arrival for not being appropriately dressed. To have the attention of all upon you in such a situation would be embarrassing beyond measure....

The Remnant Bride – Part 4

The Remnant Bride – Part 4

The Bride’s Eunuch Ministers This book is primarily focused upon the Bride of Christ, but it is prudent to take a brief look at those who are called as ministers to prepare the Bride. The way in which these ministers perform their service will greatly impact the preparation of the Bride. The book...

The Remnant Bride – Part 3

The Remnant Bride – Part 3

The Bride as Seen in Esther The Bible is full of images of brides. These images were given to provide understanding of the ultimate bride, which is the Bride of Christ.  In the book of Esther we read of a bride that was prepared for a king. Even so, the Bride of Christ is being prepared for...

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This is the Blog site of Joseph Herrin. It is a companion to the Heart4God Website. Writings are posted here first, while the Heart4God site contains an archive of all of my books, presentations, concise teachings, audio messages, and other material. All material is available free of charge. Permission is granted to copy, re-post, print, and distribute (free of charge) any of the material on these sites.

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Love - The Sum of the Law

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