Laying Down the Law – Hagar

Laying Down the Law – Hagar

In the preceding chapters I have set forth a panoramic view of Yahweh’s plan to bring forth mature spiritual sons and daughters. I have labored to show the place of the Law in God’s plan of the ages. Man was not created sinful, nor did Yahweh intend for man to remain perpetually enslaved to sin....

Butterfly Dreams

Butterfly Dreams

Joseph Herrin (01-30-2011) Bus Painted - Driver’s Side (Click on Photo for Larger Image) In the midst of writing blog posts and answering e-mail I have found opportunity recently to get most of the bus painted. My first step was painting the roof. I mixed ceramic additive into a gallon of white...

Laying Down the Law – From Children of Israel to Sons of God

Laying Down the Law – From Children of Israel to Sons of God

The dealings of God with mankind is progressive. Even as the divine day begins in darkness and progresses to light, so too do we find that Yahweh’s revelation of Himself to man is with an ever increasing brightness. Yahweh has given us many things in the natural creation to provide insight into...

Laying Down the Law – Be Ye Perfect

Laying Down the Law – Be Ye Perfect

If you did not read the previous post in this series, I encourage you to not permit the opportunity to pass you by. Go back and read it carefully, for there is contained in it such profound truth regarding the tragic consequences of seeking to be guided by Law, that all Christians are advised to...

Laying Down the Law – The Moral Law – A Shadow of Things to Come

Laying Down the Law – The Moral Law – A Shadow of Things to Come

Many have set forth the argument that the ceremonial Law, and the Law of offerings and sacrifices, have been set aside for those who are in Christ, but the moral Law still holds sway over the life of an individual. They teach that the moral Law still is to serve as the believer’s code of conduct...

Laying Down the Law – The Deficiency of the Law

Laying Down the Law – The Deficiency of the Law

Special Announcement: The newly re-designed Heart4God website is now online. By clicking on the link below for the Heart4God website, you will have a choice to enter the old site that contains all the material from the past 12 years, or the new site which does not yet have all the content posted....

Laying Down the Law – A New Spirit

Laying Down the Law – A New Spirit

I will continue to lay a foundation of understanding, before proceeding to address specific arguments that advocate the continuance of the Law. Rightly dividing the word of God will be much easier for those who first have gained an understanding of the role of the Law in Yahweh’s plan of the ages....

Laying Down the Law – The Father’s Plan

Laying Down the Law – The Father’s Plan

What is the Father’s ultimate thought in regard to mankind? We must answer this question if we are to perceive the Law’s role in the greater scheme of things. We can find the Father’s mind concerning man in the first chapter of the Bible. Genesis 1:26-28  Then God said, "Let Us make man in...

Laying Down the Law – A Wider View

Laying Down the Law – A Wider View

This is the second book in which I have included a chapter titled “A Wider View.” I have found that certain kingdom truths are difficult to comprehend unless we first envision the grand panoramic scope of Yahweh’s works and plans. When we focus narrowly on a subject, apart from discerning the...

Yahweh – Faithful in a Time of Urgent Need

Yahweh – Faithful in a Time of Urgent Need

Joseph Herrin (1-17-2011) Brothers and sisters write to me at times to share some very difficult trial they are passing through. I seek to encourage them at all times to trust Yahweh and look to Him to guide them. Last night my heavenly Father proved once more His faithfulness to me in a time of...

Laying Down the Law – Preamble

Laying Down the Law – Preamble

Preamble Practically since the time I published the original book bearing the name Laying Down the Law, it has been upon my heart to add to it. That was in 2002. I have participated in many conversations and lengthy correspondences on the subject of Yahweh’s intended purpose and role for the Law...

Getting My House ORDERED

Getting My House ORDERED

Joseph Herrin (01-13-2011) Parables Blog - New Look This new year is turning out to be one of many changes in my life. Having spent the last two months of 2010 converting a school bus into a motorhome, I was able to move into the bus on the first day of the year. Having moved in, I am continuing...

The Dreamer – Revisited

The Dreamer – Revisited

Joseph Herrin (01-10-2011) Back Window of Converted Bus The photo above shows the back window of the bus I have converted into a motorhome. Randy Simmons had “The Dreamer” image (with butterflies) made by an acquaintance who has a sign shop. They are made of vinyl with a self-adhesive backing....

Discovering Hidden Weaknesses

Discovering Hidden Weaknesses

Joseph Herrin (01-08-2011) Psalms 139:23-24 Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties; And see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. The recent earthquakes in Christchurch, New Zealand revealed hidden faults that no one knew existed. We are...

Getting MY HOUSE in Order – A Confession and Apology

Getting MY HOUSE in Order – A Confession and Apology

Joseph Herrin (01-07-2011) I sense the conviction of the Holy Spirit that I need to publicly confess error concerning some statements I made in 2009 and early last year concerning the collapse of America during the tenure of the 111th Congress. Let me begin by sharing plainly what was spoken, for...

A Passion for Christ

A sister in Christ invited me to listen to an audio message from Paul Washer that she has posted to her website. I have watched a couple of videos on YouTube in the past that contained messages by this brother in Christ. I have been impressed by his passion, his zeal, and the absence of concern...

A Somber Sign

A Somber Sign

Joseph Herrin (01-04-2011) Burning Truck Near Sardis Church Road There are certain events which occur in life that bear strongly the testimony of Yahweh speaking. The wreck and closure of I-75 just south of Macon on New Year’s Day is one that has arrested my attention, and which the Father is...

Get Your House in Order!

Get Your House in Order!

Joseph Herrin (01-03-2011) The Ark Hooked Up at an RV Park - 1-1-2011 Saturday was a very significant day, filled with symbolic events in my life. It marked the first day of the year 2011. According to E.W. Bullinger, the number 11 in Scriptures denotes the following: If ten is the number which...

Something Old in the New Year

Something Old in the New Year

Me at Glacier Point - Yosemite - Summer 2010 Many of those who are new to this blog are unaware of the teachings on the Heart4God website. Occasionally I will take one of those writings and post it to the blog. I am posting here a teaching that I wrote over a decade ago. For the male readers, it...

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About This Site

This is the Blog site of Joseph Herrin. It is a companion to the Heart4God Website. Writings are posted here first, while the Heart4God site contains an archive of all of my books, presentations, concise teachings, audio messages, and other material. All material is available free of charge. Permission is granted to copy, re-post, print, and distribute (free of charge) any of the material on these sites.

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Love - The Sum of the Law

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