Prison Apologetics

Prison Apologetics

Joseph Herrin (09-29-2015) What follows is an exchange with a man who is serving a term in a Georgia prison. To read a previous exchange with this same man, see the following blog post. Joseph, Thank you for getting back to me so...

Exceedingly Abundantly

Exceedingly Abundantly

Joseph Herrin (09-24-2015) In this post I want to share one man’s recent experiences of how the Lord has answered prayers through unexpected ways. In some past posts I have shared some of the spiritual journey of a brother in Christ named Jeff Higdon. A Testimony for the New Year (2012)...

Meditations on Music Ministry

Meditations on Music Ministry

Joseph Herrin (09-22-2015) In recent weeks I have posted a few writings on the subject of music. Music Quest Crossing the Music Minefield Two-Fer...

Prison Newsletter Changes

Prison Newsletter Changes

Joseph Herrin (09-19-2015) It is hard to imagine that it has now been more than 5 years since the Father directed me to begin a newsletter ministry for men in prison. Looking back over past blog posts I see that it was February 26, 2010 that I announced the availability of the first Parables...

Letters From Prison

Letters From Prison

Joseph Herrin (09-17-2015) In this post I am going to share some recent letters from men in prison. Some letters will be followed by my reply to the men who wrote to me. Readers have been writing to tell me that they find these correspondences profitable and they have encouraged me to continue to...

September Dates of Significance

September Dates of Significance

(09-11-2015) (Click on Image to View Larger) The Internet has been awash with dire predictions for the Fall of this year. The dates from the middle of September forward have particularly been the focus of calamitous prognostications. Due to many other pressing responsibilities, I have not been...

Home Works

Home Works

Joseph Herrin (09-08-2015) Some weeks back I announced in a blog post that I sensed a leading from the Father to attend to some personal needs as I had a number of projects I had been putting off due to the constant call to attend to ministry. Since I posted that writing, I have made progress on a...

Untitled Post

Untitled Post

Two-Fer Joseph Herrin (09-05-2015) Recent blog posts have been on two separate topics. Some have been focused on music, while others have contained correspondence with men in prison. This blog post contains some of both. First, I am going to share the testimony of a reader (not in prison) who...

More Prison Chronicles

More Prison Chronicles

Some recent correspondence from men in prison has required much time invested to answer them responsibly. I consider it a sacred duty and a privilege for the Father to give me these opportunities. The length of time I am spending on correspondence prevents me from writing blog posts, but I have...

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About This Site

This is the Blog site of Joseph Herrin. It is a companion to the Heart4God Website. Writings are posted here first, while the Heart4God site contains an archive of all of my books, presentations, concise teachings, audio messages, and other material. All material is available free of charge. Permission is granted to copy, re-post, print, and distribute (free of charge) any of the material on these sites.

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Love - The Sum of the Law

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