No Apologies – Part 2

No Apologies – Part 2

Jezebel and Sensuality It is fitting that a teaching on godly womanhood provide some instruction on the topic of a woman’s dress and external appearance. The Bible has a significant amount to say on the subject. Some years ago I was led to meditate upon the following questions: Seeing that...

No Apologies – Part 1

No Apologies – Part 1

Jezebel and Idolatry Writing about Jezebel may seem an odd way to begin a book on godly womanhood. In Jezebel is seen the antithesis of everything that Yahweh finds praiseworthy in a woman. Yahweh has chosen to teach us much through contrasts. He sets before His daughters the lives of the godly,...

No Apologies

No Apologies

No ApologiesA Biblical Teaching on Godly Womanhood By Joseph Herrin Copyright © 2012 by Joseph HerrinPermission of the author is hereby granted for copying, printing and distributing this book to others, either in part or in whole. However, no charge may be associated with the distribution....

I Am Back!!!

I Am Back!!!

Joseph and Kristin Well, here I am again. This is Joseph Herrin. I suppose I should tell you a little about my experience that is still ongoing. About 4 weeks ago I laid down to get some sleep. I didn't realize how much, or what kind of sleep I would get. I went to sleep for 4 days, and was only...


Dear Brothers and Sisters,  I’m writing a quick update to let you know that for the past few weeks I was severely ill, but by Yah’s grace I am slowly recovering right now. It will be a little while before I am able to resume writing and managing my blog, but I greatly appreciate your prayers...

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This is the Blog site of Joseph Herrin. It is a companion to the Heart4God Website. Writings are posted here first, while the Heart4God site contains an archive of all of my books, presentations, concise teachings, audio messages, and other material. All material is available free of charge. Permission is granted to copy, re-post, print, and distribute (free of charge) any of the material on these sites.

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