Alert #2

Alert #2

Joseph Herrin (08/31/2021) Don’t Take the Anti-Virus One of the Immoral Vaccines Have you heard of the immoral vaccines? Do you know what the immoral vaccines are? Read Hell’s Pharmacy parts 1 through 3 written by Joseph Herrin in 2009.

Alert #1

Alert #1

Joseph Herrin (08/27/2021) Well. We have done it. By we, I mean George Young and myself. We have got the new website going, and we have got the new money exchange listed at the bottom of this blog for you to use as you are lead. You can check to see if your bank has a fixture for Zelle, or you can...

The Internet Is Not Free

The Internet Is Not Free

Here are a few articles I have done on the intrusiveness of the government in the life of the World Wide Web and the Internet. Both of these programs were created by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency). If the Defense Department paid for these programs don't you think they will use...

ACH Payments

ACH Payments

Joseph Herrin (08/15/2021)My last Blog spoke of needing to change away from PayPal because of their abusive, Satanic policies. I know that this is coming in a bigger way one day soon. One day we won’t be able to buy or sell without taking the Mark of the Beast.Revelation 13:16-17He causes all,...

Time to Change

Time to Change

Note: Dave Rubin is a homosexual man, not an anti-homosexual man. I have corrected this statement about him in this article.Joseph Herrin (08/07/2021)Revelation 13:16-17He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads,...

Endurance – Part 2

Endurance – Part 2

EnduranceI want to share with you a second message the Father is bringing forth through the book Endurance, and through the experiences He has been bringing me through of late. The story of Sir Ernest Shackleton and his voyage with 27 other men to the South Pole is clearly a parable of this...

Endurance – Part 1

Endurance – Part 1

Joseph Herrin (10-27-08)Endurance, Stuck in the IceI believe that if we wait patiently upon the Father that we can expect Him to speak to us and make things clear. This has certainly been one of the lessons the Spirit of Christ is teaching at this time. When we act hastily we often fail to discern...

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About This Site

This is the Blog site of Joseph Herrin. It is a companion to the Heart4God Website. Writings are posted here first, while the Heart4God site contains an archive of all of my books, presentations, concise teachings, audio messages, and other material. All material is available free of charge. Permission is granted to copy, re-post, print, and distribute (free of charge) any of the material on these sites.

If you value the labor of love that goes into this ministry and want to show your appreciation for the spiritual food that has been ministered to you through this website please consider showing your love and support.

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