Notice to Readers

Joseph Herrin (12-27-2012) Late in the evening of December 25th (Christmas Day) I received a phone call from my mother informing me that my father (Thomas Joseph Herrin) had passed away that afternoon. His funeral is to be held in Biloxi, Mississippi at the V.A. cemetery on New Years Eve day. My...



Joseph Herrin (12-24-2012) I have been testifying for many years of the importance of the saints recognizing the hour in which they live. Much of my labors of late have been in the area of seeking to arouse the saints from slumber, to remove the scales from blind eyes, to sound an alarm to ears...

Sandman and Rise of the Guardians

Sandman and Rise of the Guardians

Joseph Herrin (12-23-2012) The above image of President Barack Obama was formed from sand and put on display during the Democratic National Convention held in Charlotte, North Carolina. It appeared in the news at the time when rains that drenched the area damaged the sand sculpture and it had to...

A Holocaust of Children

A Holocaust of Children

Joseph Herrin (12-21-2012) Captain Hook - London Olympics Recognizing Satan to be the author of the mass slaying of children which occurred one week ago today, and having observed in the previous post the deliberate choice of a town named Sandy Hook as the place of this assault, I began to...

Child Sacrifice at Sandy Hook

Child Sacrifice at Sandy Hook

Joseph Herrin (12-19-2012) A person wanting to learn the truth about what is occurring in the world today will be grossly misled if they look to the main stream media for information. The newspapers, magazines, television, and cable channels are all owned by a small handful of immense media...

Home Improvements

Home Improvements

Joseph Herrin (12-13-2012) Every now and then I like to post a writing on the practical aspects of living an unconventional American life, such as the Father has called me unto. Perhaps it is becoming less fitting to call it “unconventional,” for I am learning of more people all the time who are...

Into Darkness

Into Darkness

Joseph Herrin (12-07-2012) A fact of which I am thoroughly convinced is that Satan has control of the mainstream media. This control extends to the major production studios and the movies that are released each year. This past year the top movie in the news, and second highest grossing film, was...

Lovers of Truth

Lovers of Truth

Joseph Herrin (12-05-2012) I recently went out to Amazon’s website to retrieve a link to one of my books for a fellow saint who asked if it was available in Kindle format. I discovered someone had left a review (one star out of a possible five stars) on the book. It is quite common for books that...

Prophetic Paintings

Prophetic Paintings

Joseph Herrin (11-29-2012) I was blessed this past Saturday to be paid a visit by Joe Boes, a brother from the Atlanta area, and Randy Simmons and Veronica Jones from Macon who both minister among the people on the streets there. It was a good time of fellowship, and my daughter Kristin joined us...

Peace is Dead

Peace is Dead

Joseph Herrin (11-23-2012) President Obama Pardons the Turkey Four or five brothers and sisters sent me a link to a story about the death of the turkey Barack Obama pardoned last year, as the President traditionally does before Thanksgiving. The details of this story readily lend themselves to...



Joseph Herrin (11-20-2012) Thanksgiving is the holiday I enjoy the most in America. Having given up the observance of pseudo-Christian holidays such as Christmas and Easter some 13 or 14 years ago, Thanksgiving is one observance that my heart has continued to find acceptable and pleasing unto...



Joseph Herrin (11-18-2012) 2013 - Chinese Year of the Snake (Water Snake) I have an anticipation of the year 2013 being a year of great evil for the nations, and especially in America where I reside. There are many signs pointing to great evil being unleashed at this time. History reveals that...

Old School Tools

Old School Tools

Joseph Herrin (11-11-2012) Cutting Grass Old School Cutting grass provides time to reflect on a great many things. This is especially true if you are cutting grass the old fashioned way with no motors, no electricity, just basic tools that can be powered by man. On the passenger side of my bus,...

America Has Voted

America Has Voted

Joseph Herrin (11-07-2012) If you understood and accepted those things I recently shared in the series titled Dragon Flood (Link), you will agree that it didn’t matter whether Obama or Romney were elected to the top political office in the nation. Both men were picked by the hidden hand that...

Storm Preparation

Storm Preparation

Joseph Herrin (11-05-2012) Yesterday I came across an article I had posted 44 months ago. It is dated February 27, 2009. The post is titled How to Prepare for a Day of Disorder. The article speaks of the surety of a day...

Mail Bag

Mail Bag

Joseph Herrin (11-2-2012) This writing contains some responses relating to the recent post titled Following the Cloud. In that post I shared my experience of Yahweh’s guidance in relocating to a remote rural location. I asked for feedback in that article, that I might hear from other saints...

Tragedy on the Bounty

Tragedy on the Bounty

Joseph Herrin (10-30-2012) Bounty - Three Masted Tall Ship A remarkable tragedy, full of spiritual significance relating to the people of God, has played out in the past couple days as Hurricane Sandy made its way up the East Coast to spend its wrath upon the most densely populated and developed...

Following the Cloud

Following the Cloud

Joseph Herrin (10-26-2012) Being Led by God in the Wilderness Exodus 13:21-22 Yahweh was going before them in a pillar of cloud by day to lead them on the way, and in a pillar of fire by night to give them light, that they might travel by day and by night. He did not take away the pillar of cloud...



Joseph Herrin (10-24-2012) II Timothy 2:5 If anyone competes as an athlete, he does not win the prize unless he competes according to the rules. For a time Lance Armstrong lived a fairy tale life. A survivor of testicular cancer that had spread to his lungs and brain, he overcame this obstacle to...

New Book Available

New Book Available

A number of people have written to ask if they could receive the recent series titled Dragon Flood in a single document so that they could print it out, and have it available to share with others in printed or electronic format. The series has been formatted as a book, in PDF format, with an index...

Dragon Flood – Part Twenty – Don’t Drink the Water

Dragon Flood – Part Twenty – Don’t Drink the Water

Joseph Herrin (10-17-2012) The name of this series is Dragon Flood. The title is derived from a passage of Scripture in the book of Revelation that focuses on Satan’s attacks on the church in the last days before the return of Christ. Revelation 12:15-16 And the serpent poured water like a river...

Dragon Flood – Part Nineteen – A Policy of Propaganda

Dragon Flood – Part Nineteen – A Policy of Propaganda

Joseph Herrin (10-16-2012) Gustave Le Bon One of the pioneers of the modern use of propaganda to manipulate the masses was Gustave Le Bon, a French social psychologist. Le Bon lived between the years 1841 and 1931 and wrote a number of books on the subject of the psychology of the group mind. His...

Dragon Flood – Part Eighteen – Manufacturing Consent

Dragon Flood – Part Eighteen – Manufacturing Consent

Joseph Herrin (10-15-2012)                             With the technological advances of the 20th century; radio, television, and the Internet, the global elite have found new methods of...

Dragon Flood – Part Seventeen – The Lies of War

Dragon Flood – Part Seventeen – The Lies of War

Joseph Herrin (10-14-2012) The Lusitania - Precursor to America’s Entry to WWI The hand of the invisible government has found it needful to devise atrocities that will mobilize public sentiment in favor of entry into war. The powers that govern realize that Americans are reluctant to engage in...

Dragon Flood – Part Sixteen – Sold Out

Dragon Flood – Part Sixteen – Sold Out

Joseph Herrin (10-13-2012) Governing Who? From the time that the Federal Reserve System was established in 1913 America has firmly been in the hands of a secret government. Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild, the founder of the Rothschild banking family stated, "Give me control of a nation's money and...

Dragon Flood – Part Fifteen – Ten Steps to Communism

Dragon Flood – Part Fifteen – Ten Steps to Communism

Joseph Herrin (10-09-2012) Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels In the previous post I mentioned that the governmental order which the Illuminati is working to establish on a global scale is Communism. The evidence for this will now be set forth. The Illuminati was founded on May 1, 1776 by Adam...

Dragon Flood – Part Fourteen – Revolutions Revisited

Dragon Flood – Part Fourteen – Revolutions Revisited

Revolutions Revisited America’s history is replete with the myth of the “just war.” Every war America has entered into has been sold to the people as a righteous and rational response to provocations, as a defense of America’s sovereignty, or her freedoms, or as a benevolent decision to aid...

Dragon Flood – Part Thirteen – Eugenics

Dragon Flood – Part Thirteen – Eugenics

Joseph Herrin (10-02-2012) Eugenics Congress Logo The principles by which Satan and his disciples operate are hidden in plain sight. Anyone with the inclination can discover reams of information about the U.S. government’s propaganda machine, the Committee on Public Information, which was utilized...

Dragon Flood – Part Twelve – The Committee on Public Information

Dragon Flood – Part Twelve – The Committee on Public Information

Joseph Herrin (10-01-2012) Gettysburg Dead The reasons for war are seldom what the history books declare. The American Civil War was not entered into as a struggle to end slavery. Abraham Lincoln is frequently touted as “the Great Emancipator,” yet his own words reveal that abolishing slavery was...

Dragon Flood – Part Eleven – Freedom of Speech

Dragon Flood – Part Eleven – Freedom of Speech

Joseph Herrin (9-29-2012) America has been heralded as a land where her citizens are free to speak their minds without fear of repression. This perception is more myth than reality. Understanding that the United States was formed as a Luciferian nation, the perceptive will consider that Satan is...

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This is the Blog site of Joseph Herrin. It is a companion to the Heart4God Website. Writings are posted here first, while the Heart4God site contains an archive of all of my books, presentations, concise teachings, audio messages, and other material. All material is available free of charge. Permission is granted to copy, re-post, print, and distribute (free of charge) any of the material on these sites.

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