A River Runs Through It

A River Runs Through It

Joseph Herrin (12-31-2015) View of My Home December 31, 2015 (Click on any image to view larger) I took the photo above just a few moments ago. We have had an unusually rainy December here in South Central Georgia. The average rainfall for December is about 3.5 inches. It is now the last day of...

Illusion and Reality

Illusion and Reality

(Click on any Image to View Larger) A common adage states that “Seeing is believing.” This expression has never been less true than in this modern age of television, broadcast media, and the Internet. A disciple of Christ would be very ill advised to believe what their eyes see and ears hear in...

Who Really Controls America’s Government?

Who Really Controls America’s Government?

Having established that there is an interlinking network of transnational corporations which control global commerce, the next step toward establishing a true and non-illusory view of the world is to demonstrate that these corporate powers are intertwined with the governments of nations. Indeed,...

Network of Deception

Network of Deception

The image above of a globe formed of points of light is taken from a scientific report published by systems theorists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Switzerland. The points of light represent 1,318 transnational corporations (TNCs) which form the core of the world economy....

Lying Liars and Deceiving Deceivers

Lying Liars and Deceiving Deceivers

President Richard Milhous Nixon Name the man who was President of the United States during ALL of the moon landings. If you said Richard M. Nixon, you are correct. He is also the only President of the United States to ever resign his office. He did so to avoid a vote on impeachment proceedings...

Lunacy & the Age of Deception

Lunacy & the Age of Deception

I have been contemplating this writing for some time. I have hesitated to begin this work for it is a daunting task to undertake. The subject to be addressed, and the conclusions set forth, will challenge some long held beliefs that are deeply cherished and emotionally defended by a great many...

Life Without Parole

Life Without Parole

Joseph Herrin (12-09-2015) I am often surprised at the number of men who write to me and request to receive the Parables Bookshelf Newsletters who are serving a sentence of “Life Without Parole.” These men have no expectation of ever being released from prison. The court systems have determined...

Be Ready Always…

Be Ready Always…

Joseph Herrin (12-05-2015) I Peter 3:15 In your hearts set Christ apart as holy [and acknowledge Him] as Lord. Always be ready to give a logical defense to anyone who asks you to account for the hope that is in you, but do it courteously and respectfully. [Amplified Bible] It is a privilege to be...

Readers Write

Readers Write

(11-27-2015) Following are some testimonies from brothers and sisters in Christ that have much relevance for the day and hour we are living in. These are accounts of Yahweh’s guidance and provision. I am going to provide minimal introduction to them, for I believe they will speak for themselves....

Time Is Running Out

Time Is Running Out

Joseph Herrin (11-25-2015) The Thanksgiving holiday in America will be observed tomorrow. There are a great many things I am thankful for. This past year has brought unexpected blessings. Among them is a car that five brothers in Christ were led to purchase for me, a vehicle that has proven very...

Letters From a Prison Cell

Letters From a Prison Cell

Joseph Herrin (11-20-2015) In this post I am going to share a number of letters received from men in prison who are subscribed to receive the Parables Bookshelf Newsletters. Although I sent a reply to all of the men who wrote the letters which follow, I have opted in some cases to only share what...

Ride the Lightning – Reap Destruction

Ride the Lightning – Reap Destruction

Joseph Herrin (11-18-2015) Eagles of Death Metal - Bataclan Concert Poster (Modified) Proverbs 6:27-28 Can a man take fire in his bosom, and his clothes not be burned? Or can a man walk on hot coals, and his feet not be scorched? Actions have consequences. Newton’s Third Law of Physics states “For...

Dark Deeds in the City of Light

Dark Deeds in the City of Light

Joseph Herrin (11-16-2015) In the evening of November 13, 2015 a series of violent attacks occurred at various locations across the city of Paris, France. As the news reports came in, the number of people murdered and injured steadily escalated. Early reports mentioned ten people confirmed dead,...

A Rockefeller Christmas – Revisited

A Rockefeller Christmas – Revisited

This blog post continues the series of writings I am re-posting on the subject of Christmas celebrations. The news reported last week that a 78 foot tall, 13 ton, Norway Spruce was cut down in upstate New York to be prepared for installation at Rockefeller Center where it will be adorned with...

What’s the Big Deal About Christmas

What’s the Big Deal About Christmas

Joseph Herrin (Originally posted on 12-06-2014) Kirk Cameron’s Saving Christmas - Poster Modified to Promote Truth in Advertising (Click on Image to View Larger) [NOTE: I believe the time is short and many dire things will fall upon the nations before much longer. Judgment must begin at the house...

Questions from a Young Muslim Convert in Prison

Questions from a Young Muslim Convert in Prison

Joseph Herrin (11-10-2015) Note: I continue to work on the new book recently begun, while at the same time attending to other ministry needs. Writing books is progressing slower these days as I find it needful to spend more time with the responsibilities of prison ministry and in answering e-mail...

The Testimony – Introduction

The Testimony – Introduction

(Click on Image to View Larger) Introduction In October of 1999, at the age of 38, my heavenly Father called me to lay aside my occupation as a computer manager at a hospital and enter into full-time ministry as a writer and teacher. Yahweh became the guarantor for all of my needs, my sole source...

Follow-Up to “Why So Downcast, O My Soul?”

Vincent, the brother in Christ from Australia mentioned in the previous blog post, wrote a response to all the people who contacted him. I share it here: --- With brother Joseph's permission I would like to say thank you to the many people who have commented and encouraged me for the letter that...

Why So Downcast, O My Soul?

Why So Downcast, O My Soul?

Joseph Herrin (11-1-2015) Despair! It is a terrible word. It is the complete absence or loss of hope. Despair renders a person incapable of continuing on. All effort seems futile. Life itself loses meaning. Have you struggled with going on recently? Have the experiences, the disappointments and...

A Prisoner Seeks for Truth

A Prisoner Seeks for Truth

Joseph Herrin (10-29-2015) Following is a correspondence with a man in prison who has manifested much interest in arriving at truth and having error exposed in his understanding of the world he lives in. Joseph, Greetings! As always, thank you for sending me so much information. It is a relief to...

Further Discourse with a Professed (Black) Hebrew Israelite – Continued…

Further Discourse with a Professed (Black) Hebrew Israelite – Continued…

This post contains my letter in response to the man in prison whose letter I posted in the previous blog. Hello J., I was impressed when I received a 15 page handwritten letter from you. I appreciate the time you spent to compose such a lengthy piece of correspondence. I want to assure you that I...

Further Discourse with a Professed (Black) Hebrew Israelite

Further Discourse with a Professed (Black) Hebrew Israelite

Joseph Herrin (10-23-2015) This conversation is a follow-up to a previous dialogue that is posted here: https://heart4god.ws/wordpress/2015/10/letter-to-hebrew-israelite-in-prison.html This discourse continues with the following letter from a man in a Georgia prison. Dear Joseph Herrin, Shalom...

More Newsletters And Book Availability

More Newsletters And Book Availability

Joseph Herrin (10-18-2015) I have spent several days recently creating additional newsletters to send to men in prison. I have finally converted all 20 of my books to newsletter format as No Apologies - A Biblical Teaching on Godly Womanhood, and Attractive Deception - The False Hope of the Hebrew...

Letter to a Hebrew Israelite in Prison

Letter to a Hebrew Israelite in Prison

Joseph Herrin (10-09-2015) I receive correspondence from men with a wide array of religious beliefs and practices in prison. The following exchange of letters, and the two short videos that attend them, reveal one of the more unusual religious practices embraced in prison by those who profess to...

No Savior for the United States

No Savior for the United States

Joseph Herrin (10-07-2015) A brother in Christ (thank you Roger) alerted me to a recent news article about the SS United States, the once proud ocean liner that bears the name of the nation which boasts of being the world’s only remaining superpower. I have on a number of occasions written...

Lady and the Champ

Lady and the Champ

Joseph Herrin (10-06-2015) (Click on Any Image to View Larger) It has been some time since I have given an update on Champ, the rescue dog that Yahweh gave to me back in June of 2012. You can read about the remarkable way in which Yahweh brought Champ into my life in a blog post at the following...

Visiting the Captives

Visiting the Captives

Joseph Herrin (10-01-2015) Pencil Drawing Sent to Me by a Man in Prison (Click on Image to View Larger) Following are some recent correspondences from men in prison. Brother Joseph Herrin, God bless you very much. My name is Joel & I have been studying your literature, which is quite...

Prison Apologetics

Prison Apologetics

Joseph Herrin (09-29-2015) What follows is an exchange with a man who is serving a term in a Georgia prison. To read a previous exchange with this same man, see the following blog post. https://heart4god.ws/wordpress/2015/09/more-prison-chronicles.html Joseph, Thank you for getting back to me so...

Exceedingly Abundantly

Exceedingly Abundantly

Joseph Herrin (09-24-2015) In this post I want to share one man’s recent experiences of how the Lord has answered prayers through unexpected ways. In some past posts I have shared some of the spiritual journey of a brother in Christ named Jeff Higdon. A Testimony for the New Year (2012)...

Meditations on Music Ministry

Meditations on Music Ministry

Joseph Herrin (09-22-2015) In recent weeks I have posted a few writings on the subject of music. Music Quest https://heart4god.ws/wordpress/2015/08/music-quest.html Crossing the Music Minefield https://heart4god.ws/wordpress/2015/08/crossing-music-minefield.html Two-Fer...

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This is the Blog site of Joseph Herrin. It is a companion to the Heart4God Website. Writings are posted here first, while the Heart4God site contains an archive of all of my books, presentations, concise teachings, audio messages, and other material. All material is available free of charge. Permission is granted to copy, re-post, print, and distribute (free of charge) any of the material on these sites.

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Love - The Sum of the Law

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