The Divine Quest – Part 3

Faith’s First Failure The first occurrence of events, names and numbers in Scripture hold great significance, for they often establish a pattern or type for those things that follow. This is true when we look at the first sin which occurred in the Garden of Eden. The first sin was preceded by an...

The Divine Quest – Part 2

Faith’s Great Foundation I do not know of any saint that does not want to have a strong faith that will see them through all the trials of life. This chapter will show the way to possessing such a strong and overcoming faith. In order to build something that will stand through the storms of life,...

The Divine Quest – Part 1

Introduction The Spirit has led me to put a number of things in writing to share with the saints for their edification and instruction, but I can think of no more important message than that which is contained in this book. The book “The Remnant Bride” presents a challenge to the saints to not be...

Fat Tuesday (Mardi Gras), Ash Wednesday, Lent and Easter

Revelation 18:4-5And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, "Come out of her, my people, that you may not participate in her sins and that you may not receive of her plagues..." In this hour when the Spirit is testifying that great judgment is coming to the nations, a judgment that must begin...

Tithing – Is it to be Practiced Today?

A brother recently sent me the following post: Mr. Herrin, I have been studying with your writings for some time and would like to know your position on the tithe. The church where we attend says one thing while others say another totally opposite. I have looked up all references in the Strong’s...

They Will Make Merchandise of You…

In recent communications with professing believers I have reflected upon the problem of near-sighted reasoning. Oftentimes, due to long practice and familiarity, the saints embrace errors that are clearly shown to be what they are when they are viewed from a larger and more Scriptural vantage...

The Work that Refreshes

If you were to examine Christians today to determine their mental state you would be struck by how much depression there is among them. Many Christians today are fatigued, weary, worn-out, burned-out, and despondent. Many of those in this state are some of the most earnest and sincere of God’s...

The Wisdom of Serpents

Matthew 10:16-17"Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; therefore be wise as serpents, and innocent as doves. But beware of men…” I awoke this morning with a message upon my heart to deliver to the children of God. It is evident from the many e-mails I receive, as well as by...

The Untimeliness of God

Joseph Herrin (6-7-2000) This blog was written 24 years ago. I have still never experienced the Lord failing to come through for me. It has been prophesied by some in recent days that the Father is preparing a group of His children to be able to walk in tremendous callings in the days ahead. This...

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This is the Blog site of Joseph Herrin. It is a companion to the Heart4God Website. Writings are posted here first, while the Heart4God site contains an archive of all of my books, presentations, concise teachings, audio messages, and other material. All material is available free of charge. Permission is granted to copy, re-post, print, and distribute (free of charge) any of the material on these sites.

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Love - The Sum of the Law

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