The Mark of the Beast – Part 11

The Mark of the Beast – Part 11

The Mark of the Overcomers As you have read this book with its focus upon God’s command for men and women to subdue and rule over the beast nature, you may have considered your own life and the struggles that you have known within your own body as the flesh and the spirit have warred one against...

The Mark of the Beast – Part 10

The Mark of the Beast – Part 10

Beast Men of the Bible There have been many men and women who have given themselves to sin and to slavery to the flesh, who have been extraordinarily marked by the beast nature. The Scriptures contain histories of many who have failed to subdue and rule over that which God commanded them. In this...

The Mark of the Beast Part 9

The Mark of the Beast Part 9

666 - The Number of the Beast Throughout this book I have endeavored to focus on the spiritual understanding of the abundant symbolism relating to the beast. There has been much debate about the significance of the number which is given to represent the beast, and I believe God would have us to...

The Mark of the Beast – Part 8

The Mark of the Beast – Part 8

The End of Suffering With so much attention upon the working of the disciple’s cross in the Scriptures it would seem that God is opposed to pleasure, and intent upon making all of His children suffer while in the flesh. It is true that God does not want His children to give themselves over to a...

The Mark of the Beast – Part 7

The Mark of the Beast – Part 7

Kings and Beasts In previous chapters we have looked at God’s command to the man and woman to subdue and rule over the beasts. This command is given in the very first chapter of the Bible. We have also read in the very last book of the Bible that there will be a group of overcomers who will know...

The Mark of the Beast – Part 6

The Mark of the Beast – Part 6

Enemies of the Cross One of the most misunderstood phrases in the Bible is that found in the title of this chapter. The phrase “enemies of the cross” rolls off the lips of pastors and Bible teachers often enough in these days, but it is almost universally misapplied. If you have been long in the...

The Mark of the Beast – Part 5

The Mark of the Beast – Part 5

The Overcomers The book of Revelation contains many stark contrasts. There is much that is dark and tragic, yet there is also great light and victory. While one group of men are judged by God for receiving the mark of the beast, another group is rewarded for achieving victory over the beast, his...

The Mark of the Beast – Part 4

The Mark of the Beast – Part 4

Nehushtan We have seen that the serpent is the fullest representation of the beast nature, being cursed above all beasts while also being more cunning. When God proclaimed the curse that would fall upon man and the serpent for their transgression, the following was declared. Genesis 3:15 And I...

The Mark of the Beast – Part 3

The Mark of the Beast – Part 3

The Beast Nature What is the beast nature that Adam and Eve submitted unto? What is it that Adam and Eve were commanded to subdue and rule over, but which they became slaves unto? A good place to begin studying this matter is to look at the creature that was the instrument of Eve’s fall. Genesis...

The Mark of the Beast – Part 2

The Mark of the Beast – Part 2

Let Us Make Man in Our Image... The Bible opens with the account of God’s work of re-creating a world that has become subject to judgment, a world covered with darkness and made formless and void. A fall has already occurred as a third of the angels followed Satan in rebellion and they have been...

The Mark of the Beast – Part 1

The Mark of the Beast – Part 1

The Mark of the Beast Copyright © 2011 by Joseph Herrin Permission of the author is hereby granted for copying, printing and distributing this book to others, either in part or in whole. However, no charge may be associated with the distribution. Heart4God Publishing website:...

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This is the Blog site of Joseph Herrin. It is a companion to the Heart4God Website. Writings are posted here first, while the Heart4God site contains an archive of all of my books, presentations, concise teachings, audio messages, and other material. All material is available free of charge. Permission is granted to copy, re-post, print, and distribute (free of charge) any of the material on these sites.

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