Understanding Gustav

Understanding Gustav

Joseph Herrin (08-31-08) Is it presumption to declare that Gustav is the staff of God being manifested as a rod of correction upon a wicked nation and church? To go even further, is it wrong to see any tropical storm or hurricane as an act of divine judgment upon a people who are walking in sin?...

Gustav (Staff of God) Making its Presence Felt

Gustav (Staff of God) Making its Presence Felt

Hurricane Gustav went from a tropical storm to a category four hurricane in the space of 24 hours. Once again meteorologists are finding that hurricanes are quite difficult to predict. Most had been predicting it would reach maximum strength as a category 3 storm, and they didn't anticipate this...



A sister in Christ forwarded me this writing by Zac Poonen. I thought I would share it with those who read this blog as it is a very good writing. We all need to raise the standard of Christian living, and in particular the standard for those we honor as ministers of Christ. Things have sunk to a...

Watching Gustav

Watching Gustav

Joseph Herrin (08-27-08)The weather forecasters declared that "Gustav formed suddenly" over the Caribbean. Gustav means "staff of God," and I wonder if the staff in mind is a rod of correction. God's judgments do come suddenly, with little warning.This is one storm I am watching with interest,...

Tropical Storm Fay

Tropical Storm Fay

Joseph Herrin (08-24-08) The Lord continues to send signs to His people on a very large scale. Tropical storm Fay has captured my attention from before it made its first landfall in Florida. The Governor of Florida, Charlie Crist, declared a state of emergency before Fay reached the state. The...



Joseph Herrin (08-22-08) A few days back I was praying and asking God about a concern upon my heart. I had been contemplating taking some of the recent audio messages and adding the graphics to them that I use when giving presentations on this topic, and creating a movie to post on YouTube, Yahoo...

153 Die

153 Die

Joseph Herrin (08-20-08)The following news story arrested my attention today.153 Die in Fiery Plane CrashMADRID, Spain (CNN) -- Passengers said they saw flames and then heard an explosion moments before a Spanair jet crashed on takeoff Wednesday at Madrid's Barajas Airport, killing 153 people,...

From Bethel to Penuel

Joseph Herrin (08-19-2008)I have shared many things that the Father has been revealing through signs since He sent Randy and I out to the ministry appointed to us on 8-8-8. I would speak here of one more sign that has been before my mind more than all others. I have been limping along painfully...

For Such a Time as This

For Such a Time as This

Joseph Herrin (08-18-2008) Esther 4:14 “For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place and you and your father's house will perish. And who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this?” The Spirit of Christ has been...

The Incredible Journey

Joseph Herrin (08-17-08) Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The Spirit of Christ has perfectly ordered my steps in sending me out with a message to the nation at this season. As I mentioned, He orchestrated the matter where I would set forth on the date 8-8-8, a number that pertains to Christ as...

Benjamin’s Portion

Joseph Herrin (08-16-2008) I have just concluded a week of teaching at a discipleship group in Fort Wayne, Indiana. I have posted audio files of all of the talks on the Internet, and I say with the greatest earnestness I can muster that these are talks that every Christian needs to hear. I will...

A Ministry So Designed

A Ministry So Designed

Joseph Herrin (08-07-08) Acts 13:2 The Holy Spirit said, "Set apart for Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” It is certain in this hour that each child of God will want to find themselves doing that particular work appointed to them. Many will find out too late that they...

Gus – A Nun’s Story

Joseph Herrin (08-02-08) Not too long ago I had the blessing to begin corresponding with a sister in Christ by the name of Patricia Savas (Gus). I learned that she had spent ten years as a Catholic nun (I believe in the 1960's and 1970's). Many years after this experience (1993), after having come...

Broken Vessels, Fiery Witnesses

Joseph Herrin (08-01-08) On August 8th Randy Simmons and I will be leaving Georgia to travel to Indiana where I have been invited to speak to a discipleship group for a period of four days (August 11th - 14th). The leader who invited me asked that I arrive on Saturday the 9th, which makes it...

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This is the Blog site of Joseph Herrin. It is a companion to the Heart4God Website. Writings are posted here first, while the Heart4God site contains an archive of all of my books, presentations, concise teachings, audio messages, and other material. All material is available free of charge. Permission is granted to copy, re-post, print, and distribute (free of charge) any of the material on these sites.

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Love - The Sum of the Law

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