A Different Kingdom – A Different Economy

A Different Kingdom – A Different Economy

Joseph Herrin (07-29-2014) Have you ever taken time to ponder how vastly different this world will be when it is ruled by the Son of God? An hour will come when the kingdom of this world will become the Kingdom of our Lord and Christ (Revelation 11:15). How tremendously distinct must the Kingdom...

Crisis on the Border

Crisis on the Border

Joseph Herrin (07-26-2014) (Note: As I continue to research and write the FOUNDATIONS series, I am taking time to compose some posts on current events.) (Click on any image to view larger) The news media in America is giving massive exposure to the subject of illegal immigration at the United...

FOUNDATIONS – The Zodiac Explained

FOUNDATIONS – The Zodiac Explained

There are numerous explanations for the origin of the word “zodiac.” Perhaps the most common attributes the etymology of this word to an ancient reference to a circle of animals in the sky. English readers may recognize a similarity between the word “zoo,” and related words such as “zoology,” to...

FOUNDATIONS – The Ancient Zodiac and its Motions

FOUNDATIONS – The Ancient Zodiac and its Motions

Map of the Constellations by Johanne Gabriele Doppelmayr, 1730 (Click on image to view larger) In God’s very first contact with humanity after our forebears sinned in the Garden of Eden, Yahweh began to disclose to them His plan for their deliverance. He spoke of a Seed coming forth from the woman...

FOUNDATIONS – The Scroll of the Heavens

FOUNDATIONS – The Scroll of the Heavens

The twelve constellations of the zodiac are found in a narrow band that borders the path of the sun through the heavens. If a person envisions the heavens as being a giant sphere that surrounds the earth, the zodiac would be about 1/20th, or 18 degrees, of this globe, forming a belt around the...

FOUNDATIONS – Prophecy in the Heavens

FOUNDATIONS – Prophecy in the Heavens

Note: The previous post in this series has been removed as I have been processing a lot of additional material on this subject and decided that I needed to present the information differently. This post will replace the previous one when the FOUNDATIONS series is complete In the preceding chapter...

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This is the Blog site of Joseph Herrin. It is a companion to the Heart4God Website. Writings are posted here first, while the Heart4God site contains an archive of all of my books, presentations, concise teachings, audio messages, and other material. All material is available free of charge. Permission is granted to copy, re-post, print, and distribute (free of charge) any of the material on these sites.

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Love - The Sum of the Law

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