Yahweh’s Book – The Languages of the Bible

Yahweh’s Book – The Languages of the Bible

A story is told about the first woman governor of the state of Texas, Miriam Amanda (Ma) Ferguson, who was elected to office in 1924. A debate was raging in Texas as to whether children immigrating from Mexico should receive public education courses in their native language of Spanish. Reports of...

Yahweh’s Book – The Tanakh

Yahweh’s Book – The Tanakh

In the previous chapter it was observed that the Bible is a book of covenants. Though we read about multiple covenants established between God and man in the Bible, two of these covenants predominate; an older covenant established by Moses at Mount Sinai, and a new covenant established by Yahshua...

Yahweh’s Book – The Two Covenants

Yahweh’s Book – The Two Covenants

Joseph Herrin John Wimber, one of the founders of the Vineyard Movement, was not raised with a Christian influence in his life. He had never entered the doors of a church in his youth, never read a Bible, or heard one read. He was a keyboard player for a rock group in the early 1960s, when he was...

What’s the Big Deal About Christmas?

What’s the Big Deal About Christmas?

Joseph Herrin (12-06-2014) Kirk Cameron’s Saving Christmas - Poster Modified to Promote Truth in Advertising (Click on Image to View Larger) I would like to challenge you with the following thought. Your success in passing through the coming days of Christian persecution and global tribulation are...

Foundations – Wrapping Up

Foundations – Wrapping Up

Wrapping Up It hardly seems that it has been seven months since I began writing this book, yet the first post to this series was published online on February 21, 2014. Today is September 12, 2014. When I set forth to begin this writing I had certain goals in mind. I was troubled by the vast amount...

FOUNDATIONS – Giants on the Earth

FOUNDATIONS – Giants on the Earth

Giants on the Earth The Bible presents a history of the earth in the days of man that is at times astonishing. It is not surprising that many who reject the divine inspiration of the Scriptures view its narratives as nonsense. There are even those among professing Christians who stumble in...

Foundations – Beyond Babel

Foundations – Beyond Babel

Beyond Babel Tower of Babel/EU Parliament Building I want to once again comment on the value of giving significant attention and time to an event that God allotted no more than ten verses to in the book of Genesis. Why trouble ourselves to understand what took place at Babel? What is the value for...

FOUNDATIONS – Nimrod, Babel, and its Tower

FOUNDATIONS – Nimrod, Babel, and its Tower

Tower of Babel Stele From Time of Nebuchadnezzar As we continue to look at the ancient foundations of human history one may ask, “What is the benefit of doing so?” It is not uncommon for a school age child to question the value of their history lessons. They may see little practical benefit for...

Foundations – The Zodiac Explained

Foundations – The Zodiac Explained

There are numerous explanations for the origin of the word “zodiac.” Perhaps the most common attributes the etymology of this word to an ancient reference to a circle of animals in the sky. English readers may recognize a similarity between the word “zoo,” and related words such as “zoology,” to...

Foundations – The Ancient Zodiac and its Motions

Foundations – The Ancient Zodiac and its Motions

The Ancient Zodiac and its Motions Map of the Constellations by Johanne Gabriele Doppelmayr, 1730(Click on image to view larger) In God’s very first contact with humanity after our forebears sinned in the Garden of Eden, Yahweh began to disclose to them His plan for their deliverance. He spoke of...

Foundations – The Scroll of the Heavens

Foundations – The Scroll of the Heavens

The Scroll of the Heavens The twelve constellations of the zodiac are found in a narrow band that borders the path of the sun through the heavens. If a person envisions the heavens as being a giant sphere that surrounds the earth, the zodiac would be about 1/20th, or 18 degrees, of this globe,...

FOUNDATIONS – Prophecy in the Heavens

FOUNDATIONS – Prophecy in the Heavens

Prophecy in the Heavens In the preceding chapter we looked at the divinely assigned role of the sun, moon, and stars as markers to indicate to God’s people His moedim (seasons, appointed times). Three times each year all the men of Israel were commanded to gather to the place appointed by God to...

FOUNDATIONS – Yahweh’s Calendar

FOUNDATIONS – Yahweh’s Calendar

Yahweh's Calendar The study of the early foundations of human history and this present creation would be incomplete if it did not include an examination of the celestial testimony that Yahweh wrote upon the immense canvas of the heavens. It is a message placed where all mankind and the angels can...

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This is the Blog site of Joseph Herrin. It is a companion to the Heart4God Website. Writings are posted here first, while the Heart4God site contains an archive of all of my books, presentations, concise teachings, audio messages, and other material. All material is available free of charge. Permission is granted to copy, re-post, print, and distribute (free of charge) any of the material on these sites.

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