The Remnant Bride – Part 6

The Remnant Bride – Part 6

The Remnant Bride A deception has been foisted upon the church. The deception says that all Christians are equal before the Father. They will all share the same resurrection, the same reward, the same destiny. This is entirely untrue. Many have confused the remission of sins, which is given freely...

The Remnant Bride – Part 5

The Remnant Bride – Part 5

Many are Called, but Few are Chosen How awful it would be to receive a summons to the wedding feast of a great king’s son, only to be singled out upon arrival for not being appropriately dressed. To have the attention of all upon you in such a situation would be embarrassing beyond measure....

The Remnant Bride – Part 4

The Remnant Bride – Part 4

The Bride’s Eunuch Ministers This book is primarily focused upon the Bride of Christ, but it is prudent to take a brief look at those who are called as ministers to prepare the Bride. The way in which these ministers perform their service will greatly impact the preparation of the Bride. The book...

The Remnant Bride – Part 3

The Remnant Bride – Part 3

The Bride as Seen in Esther The Bible is full of images of brides. These images were given to provide understanding of the ultimate bride, which is the Bride of Christ.  In the book of Esther we read of a bride that was prepared for a king. Even so, the Bride of Christ is being prepared for...

The Remnant Bride – Part 2

The Remnant Bride – Part 2

The Bride and the Butterfly Look again at the cover of this book. Note how distinctly different the caterpillar and the butterfly are in appearance. They would seem to not be related in any way, yet they are one and the same creature. An awesome transformation takes place in the life of this...

The Remnant Bride – Part One

The Remnant Bride – Part One

Foreword A word of explanation is necessary at the start of this book. In this work you will find the writer using names in reference to God the Father and God the Son that are more faithful to their Hebrew original than the names and titles generally in use by the church today. The name Yah, or...

Hurricane Michael

Hurricane Michael

Joseph Herrin (10/12/2018) Hurricane Michael. Its story can be told now. The hurricane struck two days ago at about noon. October 10th, 2018 was the day of its impact. Moving forward at approximately 16 mph it did not spend much time over any area. It didn’t need to. Hurricane Michael exceeded...

Montezuma Hurricane

Montezuma Hurricane

Joseph Herrin (10/9/2018) This time last year we also had a hurricane come through here. It gave a little more notice though. That was Hurricane Irma. It was in the midst of September, 2017. Hurricane Michael’s remnants should hit here around Wednesday night. It seems with so little hurricane news...

My Daughter Kristin in Poland

My Daughter Kristin in Poland

Some saints have been asking me to keep them apprised of my daughter’s missionary venture in Poland. I am only too glad to do so. I love my daughter, and I very much appreciate her heart of love for people. She is in Poland for a two year period to teach the Polish the English language and to...

Christ in You – The Hope of Glory – Part 10

Christ in You – The Hope of Glory – Part 10

This is the last part of Christ in You - The Hope of Glory. Everyone Who Has This Hope The world did not recognize that Yahshua was the Son of God. In the same way the world does not recognize that there are sons of God walking around among mortal men in this hour. There are those who have been...

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This is the Blog site of Joseph Herrin. It is a companion to the Heart4God Website. Writings are posted here first, while the Heart4God site contains an archive of all of my books, presentations, concise teachings, audio messages, and other material. All material is available free of charge. Permission is granted to copy, re-post, print, and distribute (free of charge) any of the material on these sites.

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Love - The Sum of the Law

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