Personal Update – Champ and the Catrike

Personal Update – Champ and the Catrike

Joseph Herrin (12-26-2013) Champ and the Catrike, 12/26/2013 (Click on any image to view larger) Some brothers and sisters have recently inquired about my recovery from my bicycle accident that occurred a little more than two months ago. I had broken some ribs and dislocated the index finger on my...

Yahweh’s Book – The Necessity of a Literal Translation

Yahweh’s Book – The Necessity of a Literal Translation

The extent to which the Bible contains spiritual parables has been little understood by Christians. This is true today even of seminary trained Bible scholars, and experts in the ancient Greek and Hebrew languages, men and women who are frequently employed in the work of Scripture translation....

Yahweh’s Book – Naming (Mis)Conventions

Yahweh’s Book – Naming (Mis)Conventions

A naming convention is a convention for naming things. The intent is to allow useful information to be deduced from the names based on regularities. [Source:] If there ever was a book that would benefit from following uniform rules for names, it is...

The Passing of Marcus Kauffman

The Passing of Marcus Kauffman

It was with a heavy heart that I received the news from my daughter a few moments ago that Marcus Kauffman passed away shortly after he was disconnected from life support. My heart is burdened for his young wife MaryAnn who is expecting their first child in about 2 months, as well as the parents,...

Christmas and the Test of Truth

Christmas and the Test of Truth

Joseph Herrin (12-18-2013) Some of my earliest and fondest childhood memories were of Christmas. Each December my parents would go pick out a live Christmas tree and bring it home. I still remember the heavy metal stand, painted green. It had thumb screws on three sides of the base to tighten down...

A Rockefeller Christmas – Redux

A Rockefeller Christmas – Redux

Every year this blog site picks up new readers, many of whom do not realize that I do not celebrate Christmas, Easter, or other pagan celebrations brought into the church through the Roman Catholic practice known as syncretism.Syncretism is the practice of reconciling, or bringing into union, two...

In the Presence of Evil

In the Presence of Evil

Joseph Herrin (12-12-2013) Barack Obama at Nelson Mandela Memorial There have been two recent news stories that have gripped the attention of the world in which men reportedly entered into a trance like state. The most recent story relates how a South African sign language translator who stood on...

Yahweh’s Book – Chapter and Verse

Yahweh’s Book – Chapter and Verse

Psalm 117  - Middle Chapter of the Bible I have observed that Christians are often provoked at the suggestion that their Bible contains errors. These same Christians are seldom offended to hear it said that there exists errors and false doctrines among the people who comprise the body of...

Yahweh’s Book – Errors in the Bible

Yahweh’s Book – Errors in the Bible

King James, the Most High and Mighty! Really? I believe the Scriptures as originally written by men who were inspired of the Holy Spirit are free of error. However, we are thousands of years removed from the original autographs of these men, and if you are like me, the Bibles you read today have...

When Evil Strikes

When Evil Strikes

(12-06-2013) I have recently shared about a young couple named Marcus and Maryann Kauffman who encountered the evil of sinful men when they returned home from visiting family and friends over the Thanksgiving holiday. Marcus is 25 years old, and Maryann younger still. They have been married about...

Yahweh’s Book – The Myth of an Inerrant Text

Yahweh’s Book – The Myth of an Inerrant Text

Special Prayer Need: Marcus and Maryann My daughter visited with one of her best friends this Thanksgiving, as Maryann and her husband Marcus drove down from North Carolina for the holiday. Maryann and Marcus have been married for about a year. My daughter is exceptionally close to Maryann. They...

Expectations of Troublous Times

Expectations of Troublous Times

Joseph Herrin (11-29-2013) I have had some individuals write to me asking me what my expectations are for the end of this year, and for 2014. Some are mindful of an article I posted earlier in the year that discussed an advertisement in ESPN Magazine. It is a bit premature to offer any conclusions...

Yahweh’s Book – The Manuscripts of the Bible

Yahweh’s Book – The Manuscripts of the Bible

Dead Sea Scrolls - Isaiah Scroll The followers of Yahshua owe a great debt to the Hebrew people. The Bible exists because Yahweh inspired Hebrew men to record His words for mankind. Although the Bible has One primary Author, that being the Spirit of God, it has numerous human authors. We are told...

Answering the Call

Answering the Call

Joseph Herrin (11-24-2013) Jude 22-23 And have mercy on some, who are doubting; save others, snatching them out of the fire; and on some have mercy with fear, hating even the garment polluted by the flesh. I am deeply grateful for all those who took the time to pray for the young man I mentioned...

A Special Request

A Special Request

I have recently been contacted by a young African American male who lives in Birmingham, Alabama. He has never had a father figure in his life, and growing up in the midst of a godless society that thrives on rap music, drugs, violence, and sexual immorality, he has already experienced the depths...

Yahweh’s Book – The Languages of the Bible

Yahweh’s Book – The Languages of the Bible

A story is told about the first woman governor of the state of Texas, Miriam Amanda (Ma) Ferguson, who was elected to office in 1924. A debate was raging in Texas as to whether children immigrating from Mexico should receive public education courses in their native language of Spanish. Reports of...

Washington Destroyed – America Ripped in Two

Washington Destroyed – America Ripped in Two

Joseph Herrin (11-18-2013) American Flag Ripped During National Anthem The headline of this post may seem overly dramatic, for Washington (D.C.) is still standing, and America continues her steady descent into moral and spiritual darkness. Yet, if I were to provide an interpretation for events...



Joseph Herrin (11-15-2013)             (Click on Image to View Larger) This post is not written as a diatribe against America’s current President. Rather, it is written as a judgment of the American public who twice elected him to office. Americans of...

Yahweh’s Book – The Tanakh

Yahweh’s Book – The Tanakh

In the previous chapter it was observed that the Bible is a book of covenants. Though we read about multiple covenants established between God and man in the Bible, two of these covenants predominate; an older covenant established by Moses at Mount Sinai, and a new covenant established by Yahshua...

The Fall of America and Judgment on the Beast Nature

The Fall of America and Judgment on the Beast Nature

Joseph Herrin (11-11-2013) Following are some sobering parables from very recent experiences in my life and in the life of a brother in Christ who resides in Canada. You may remember some weeks back that I posted a testimony by this brother whose name is Brian Klumpenhouwer. He wrote about his...

Yahweh’s Book

Yahweh’s Book

Joseph Herrin (11-08-2013) John Wimber, one of the founders of the Vineyard Movement, was not raised with a Christian influence in his life. He had never entered the doors of a church in his youth, never read a Bible, or heard one read. He was a keyboard player for a rock group in the early 1960s,...

Tottering Empire – A Free Republic’s Impending Collapse

Tottering Empire – A Free Republic’s Impending Collapse

Joseph Herrin (11-06-2013) 9-11 in Manhattan Psalms 11:3 If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do? In a previous post I wrote about the immediate decisions Christians are facing with the implementation of what has been deceitfully misnamed “the Affordable Care Act.” In this...

On the Mend

On the Mend

Joseph Herrin (11-03-2013) I appreciate all the prayers and words of encouragement from my brothers and sisters who have written to me regarding my recent fall from my bicycle and the fractured ribs that I suffered. I am experiencing significant improvement. I still cannot find a comfortable...

A Disciple of Christ Discusses the Affordable Care Act

A Disciple of Christ Discusses the Affordable Care Act

Joseph Herrin (11-01-2013) I have had a number of Christian brothers and sisters write to me to inquire about what a Christian’s response should be to the Affordable Care Act mandate. Those who read my blog postings will understand that I have consistently counseled the saints to be law-abiding...



Joseph Herrin (10-30-2013) The Bible teaches that one of the defining characteristics of the last days will be lawlessness. I believe it would be profitable to identify what this lawlessness will look like. Some may have the mistaken idea that the last days will be a time when there is no strong...

How Long, O Lord? How Long?

How Long, O Lord? How Long?

Joseph Herrin (10-25-2013) My soul is grieved. I can think of nothing more tragic, or more evil than to observe adults purposely set upon destroying the innocence of youth. I know that all humanity is born with a sinful nature, but the countenance of youth that has not yet known deep defilement is...

An Invitation to Pray

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I have a personal  need I would like to enlist your prayer about. I was riding my bicycle yesterday here on the island with Champ attached to his jogger. I decided to take him down one of the unpaved roads that criss-cross the inner parts of the island. It...

A House Divided!

A House Divided!

Joseph Herrin (10-17-2013) Diane Reidy Being Removed from House One of the first news items I came across this morning related to a woman named Dianne Reidy who is employed as a stenographer for the House of Representatives. During the vote to extend the government debt limit and re-open the...

Signs of Oppression

Signs of Oppression

Joseph Herrin (10-13-2013) Ecclesiastes 4:1-2 Again, I observed all the oppression that takes place under the sun. I saw the tears of the oppressed, with no one to comfort them. The oppressors have great power, and their victims are helpless. [New Living Translation] For some weeks I have been...

America – No More a Safe Haven

America – No More a Safe Haven

Joseph Herrin (10-08-2013) Note: I have been on the Georgia coast (Jekyll Island) for one week as of today. I have been adjusting to my new schedule for the next few months which includes bicycling approximately 20 miles each day for some much needed exercise and to lose weight. I am using my...

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This is the Blog site of Joseph Herrin. It is a companion to the Heart4God Website. Writings are posted here first, while the Heart4God site contains an archive of all of my books, presentations, concise teachings, audio messages, and other material. All material is available free of charge. Permission is granted to copy, re-post, print, and distribute (free of charge) any of the material on these sites.

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