Sabbath – Part 4

Sabbath – Part 4

Lucifer, the First Sabbath Breaker We can gain yet more insight into this matter of Sabbath rest by looking at the scripture account of the first violation of Sabbath. As the book of Genesis opens, the first violation of Sabbath has already occurred, and the judgment of Yahweh has fallen upon the...

Sabbath – Part 3

Sabbath – Part 3

Having read the previous chapter, you should be starting to get a glimpse of how truly foundational is this issue of the Sabbath. It is tragic that such deception and darkness has overtaken the body of Christ until the meaning of Sabbath has been reduced to a set of doctrines regarding the...

Sabbath – Part 2

Sabbath – Part 2

The word Sabbath in both its Hebrew and Greek forms means to repose, to rest, to cease from exertion. It speaks of coming into a state of restfulness where Yahweh’s creation is not striving in any manner, but all is in complete harmony with the Creator. Today mankind frequently...

Sabbath – Part 1

Sabbath – Part 1

Foreword A word of explanation is necessary at the start of this book. In this work you will find the writer using names in reference to God the Father and God the Son that are more faithful to their Hebrew original than the names and titles generally in use by the church today. The name Yah, or...

The Remnant Bride – Part 18 & 19

The Remnant Bride – Part 18 & 19

The BridegroomI stand as one who knows that tremendous things are being offered to me, things that defy understanding. I cannot come near to comprehending the glory of these things. John walked in greater closeness to Yahshua than any of the other disciples. He remained focused on the surpassing...

The Remnant Bride – Part 17

The Remnant Bride – Part 17

The Radiant BrideA friend of mine related a modern proverb he had recently heard. It is a lamentable proverb, but one has to recognize the accuracy of it. “What began as a movement in Jerusalem, became a philosophy in Greece, an institution in Rome, a culture in Europe, and a big wealthy...

The Remnant Bride – Part 16

The Remnant Bride – Part 16

The Sons of Jonadab The book of Jeremiah reveals a story about a family of unusual character who so impressed God that He made a promise to them that was only given to a few in the scriptures. The things that impressed God about this family are typical of what God is seeking in the Bride of...

The Remnant Bride – Part 15

The Remnant Bride – Part 15

The Victory of the BrideThere are many false teachings circulating among the church in this hour concerning a rapture of the saints out of this world and away from all the trials and testing that will be  a part of what is called The Great Tribulation. Many lukewarm, carnal, worldly saints...

The Remnant Bride – Part 14

The Remnant Bride – Part 14

David, A Type of the BrideAnyone familiar with the story of David will recognize in him attributes of the Bride of Christ. As we have mentioned, love is the greatest attribute of the Bride. It is no coincidence, therefore, that David’s name means “loving.” From the first mention of David in...

The Remnant Bride – Part 13

The Remnant Bride – Part 13

The WildernessIt was not God’s intention for the children of Israel to spend a whole generation in the wilderness. The wilderness was not to be their destination. However, the wilderness was an integral and important part of their journey. Going through the wilderness was not optional. Even so,...

The Remnant Bride – Part 12

The Remnant Bride – Part 12

Love, the Wellspring of Courage Many saints have made an earnest attempt to follow Christ, only to fall short and grow weary in the pursuit. The reason for their failure is often that they are relying upon their own human strength to follow Yahshua. Personal resolve and self-discipline are the...

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This is the Blog site of Joseph Herrin. It is a companion to the Heart4God Website. Writings are posted here first, while the Heart4God site contains an archive of all of my books, presentations, concise teachings, audio messages, and other material. All material is available free of charge. Permission is granted to copy, re-post, print, and distribute (free of charge) any of the material on these sites.

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Love - The Sum of the Law

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